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... mimes be Sabin elf as moo as Shay largo enough to imadde, this will eeaceatrate ale at sap late the we allowed to remain. bln.y vaned. will leave Mine or lose bade on ea* Mesa. bat WM* Will but,. easy ma sena ea eight. If the Maims as wanted foe do not ...


... an em- barrassed way. Won't you-would you. mind taking that hood off your head for just a minute You won't take cold, will you 1 I can't half see your face, and I shall feel ...

Published: Saturday 02 December 1893
Newspaper: South Wales Echo
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: | Words: 2667 | Page: 4 | Tags: Advertising 


... through the sole help of your Syrup. I have spent pounds in medicine fmlll doctors-in fact, I began to think she was incurable, until your marvellous medicine was tried.—1 remain, yours thankfully, ALFRKO FORD. THE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN ...


... 2s 9d, and 4s 6d bottles. Sample bottle seut post paid for Is 3d, 3s, and S, from the iuveutor, O. Tudor Williams, Medical Hall, Aberdaie, Wales. C'v ARE YOU WANTING A BAG OF ANY KIND ? ARE YOU WANTING A PORTMANTEAU ? If so, you ...

Published: Wednesday 20 August 1890
Newspaper: South Wales Echo
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: | Words: 2619 | Page: 2 | Tags: Advertising 


... Hatton Garden. My dear Sir,— I have given your Medicine in very many cases of Gonorrhoea and Gleets, some of which had been many months under other treatment, and can bear testimony to its great efficacy. I have found it to cure in a much shorter ...


... and industrious lives. You can toy with such beginnings all you choose. The more you get entangled in them, the better it will be for you. You can never begin too early in life to embrace them, and if ...

Published: Saturday 17 September 1892
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4251 | Page: 1 | Tags: Advertising 


... me a bottle of your Quinine Bitters. I have taken two bottles, and already find great relief. I have suffered for over three years from Weakness and Nervousness, accompanied by rising sensations in the head, Giddiness, and a Sick Stomach, ...

Published: Wednesday 10 October 1894
Newspaper: South Wales Echo
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: | Words: 4518 | Page: 2 | Tags: Advertising 


... NOTHING will Purify the Blood LIKE NOTHING will Clear the Skin NOTHING will Strengthen I erves TTT'O-WRS' NOTHING will restore Bad Liver a 0 NO THING will Cure Indigestion NOTHING ...

Published: Saturday 07 November 1891
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2034 | Page: 4 | Tags: Advertising 


... cL1ÍidreJl die. Dl) no persuade your-elves you l1av tried every rem-iiy until you have 1101 a bottle of Tudor Williams' PatenG of Honey. of Testimonials from all parts of the world. FEW SPECIMENS OF TESTIMONIALS. I cUH,jda ...

Published: Wednesday 15 January 1890
Newspaper: South Wales Echo
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: | Words: 4071 | Page: 2 | Tags: Advertising