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Saunders's News-Letter


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Saunders's News-Letter


... Stable, in Stepben-llreet, with Locks, Grates, and Chimney-pieces, and large Garden in the Rere. For Particulars inquire of Mr. Difncy, laid Houfe. To be fold, the Queen’s Head in Dride-ftreet, handfome bay Gelding with long Tail, five Years old, 15 Hands high ...

Published: Monday 08 November 1773
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1001 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

T U E S D A V, Ju l r 6,

... without any diftmc- r|n Llovdlecusdu Vernon. Markham, Mr. 1 t.on of Whig and ory, and hoped all would join this S SS Mr l h> Difncy, were adjudged certificates, .time in the common caufe, according to the.r feveral ■ - rinity , Met. Savage fen. ttatiqn. ...

Published: Tuesday 06 July 1779
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1934 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Siicti P. rfi-r» a» »r

... informed that Best Bradley Brodce, F.fq; i« endoarouring fell pired Term the Lands of Moyvore aforefiid, I** the Property Mone Difncy Smith, Gem. deonfes, thinks it neceflary to advertife the Public th h* Leafehold Intereft is fubjeA to a Sum of nid conCderable ...

Published: Monday 05 February 1781
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1000 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

. ;.-w, ■«*» ■***■ ; '• ~* ,y > ■ -• • V A T a Meeting Phyficians and of

... Henry Bradley Brodee, Eftj; is endeavouring to fell an unex pitted Term of the of Moyvore aforefuid, late the Property of Mone Difncy Smith, Gent, deceafed, think* it neccCTary to advertife the Public that the faid Leafehold Intcreft is fuhjeft to a Sum of ...

Published: Tuesday 06 February 1781
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1157 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... Dwelling-houfe next adj dining the fame, and Mill Seat near the Houfe, with Kiln, and all late in the Pofleflion of Mr. Thomas Difncy and his Tenants; and in the CITY OF DUBLIN, alfo to let and entered upon immediately, for the like Term, three good new D ...

Published: Friday 07 February 1783
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 215 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... GLASNEVIN ROAD TO HAMPSTED. TO let and entered on immediately, the Houfe wherein the Rev. Theobald Difncy now dwclh, with Coach-houfe and Stable, Front and Hay Yard, all in thorough Rcpait, large Garden walled in and well cropped with a young Fruitry ...

Published: Friday 18 July 1783
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 243 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... Alderman Dunn, hy ditto Rev. Dr. Stoclt, hy ditto 4 » Mr. Stephen Stock, hy ditto Mrs.’Anne Stock, ditto 4 Sutton 45 Rev. Dr. Difncy, hy the Rev. Mr. Murray Rev. Mr, Warren, ditto Mrs. Anne Maxwell, ditto John Marfden, Efq. -r Right Rev. Lord Hilhop of Down ...

Published: Thursday 05 February 1784
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 819 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

from the importance of the cafe declined it. She prifoners the camp ; where were be Teen blcJ vt r.y

... PORT NEWS. the variety of human paffions; the philosopher SAILED, to (:nd ample fuhjeft molt lerious rtflec Aflive, Samuel Difncy, Grenada, merchant* goods, tions; and the man exercife all the tender and 3 vcffcls in bailait.—Wind N. W. j fympa-het.C feelings ...

Published: Friday 21 October 1785
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1794 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... late Edward Ogle Difncy, Abbcy-ftreet, Merchant, arc fired te furnith their accounts the Ofice, No. 49, in Cud ftreet ; and fuch perfons were indebted to the Cdw. Ogle DiOicy, arc requeued to pay the ameunt their accounts to 1 homas Difncy, Hfq. of the Royal ...

Published: Tuesday 28 November 1797
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3454 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Edward Ogle of Ahhcy-ftreet, Merehaat, »tinr »c.-f ur.t? the Office, No- in faid arid fiab were indebted ih«i laid Fdw. Ogle Difncy. are requefted to pay the •f their accounts to '1 Dift'ey, of the Hoyal Hofpital, who is authorized give difeharges for the ...

Published: Friday 01 December 1797
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1055 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

Nk and Daily Advertiier. i'ricc Jrtltpc ncc. tlemen I have i!i p!far„ j, OUj the 51b of November. I recaptured

... Merchant, dafircd to furnifti their accounts the Office, No. 49, faul ftreet; and fuch perfons were indebted the faid Edw. Ogle Difncy, arc rcqueftod to pay the amount of accounts to 1 honsas Difucy, Efq of the Royal Hofpic u, who is authorized to give diiohargrs ...

Published: Monday 04 December 1797
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 807 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

LONDON, Dec. 2,

... ftreer; and fnch yeffons as were* indt-btei to the (aid Ogle L»ir»ey, are requefted to pay dw amount •f their accounts to Ihomas Difncy, o» the koiyal Hofpital, who is authorized to give dilcharges tor the fame. Ihe ftock of Wines which belonged to the fatd ...

Published: Thursday 07 December 1797
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5158 | Page: 2 | Tags: none