... Evening Pak * lane t 1 : •All the Regiments that to go on board Fleet commlnded by ir * Jennings, are °Ay three, viz. Newtons; Difncy's, and nftruther's, the Are to be fhip'd at the Nore, Beds and other Necetfaties are preparing for them. We hear that General ...


... for the Downs laft Friday As likewife did the Drake on Monday, with the Tranfporrs that carried the Regiments of Ann, other, Difncy, and Newton ; but the Wind not holding Wefterly long enough for them, they all came back again to Spithead laft Night. Middleton's ...

To be Lett at Michaelmas next,

... of Dragoons in General Gore's Regiment, in the Room of Lieut. Ball, who goes on Half-pay. And, Licut. John Pitman of Col. Difncy's Regiment of Foot, is made-Litt:tenant of Dragoons in the Lord Carpenter's Regiment, in the Room of Lieut. Carr, who goes ...

LONDON, Nov. 15

... LONDON, Nov. 15. On Monday laft :he Ecu # l of Albcmarle kifs'd tlic King's Hand for the Regiment oi Foot Lite Col. Difncy's. We hear that his Majefty has been tolef- fed to order a Lift of all the Officers boo l * by Sea and Land, that arc in HaH-pay ...

Published: Sat 04 Dec 1731
Newspaper: Newcastle Courant
County: Northumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 115 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Extraft of a Letter

... Letter from .Edinburgh we have Advice, that Lieutenant Henry Difncy, of Col. Murray's Regiment, ( fecond Son to the late Reverend Mr. John Difnay, of Nottingham, and Brother of the prefent John Difncy, fyq; of Lincoln ) now a Prifoner at that City, who ftood ...

Published: Fri 25 Oct 1745
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 636 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

heir's her taflle of Ltargwyld, near Aberiftwitb, in the principality Wales, together with lire lands ..

... attention to our learned and loyal univerfity. His grace the lord primate hath approved and confirmee the ciedion the rev. dodor Difncy into the office of royal profelfor of divinity, which hear is fo consumed as effcdualiy to fiver the important purpofes intended ...

Published: Monday 24 August 1761
Newspaper: Dublin Courier
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 682 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

To the Printer of th

... from this place : 1 fee no foul but two parfons, and they arc intent on the goipel, that for convcrfation black is a Duke Difncy to them ; for fhc will grunt when (he has wafh given her ; but *gc, age, Sir, impedes our artivity. bi jam validis (juafliuum ...

■ W that you BUY, relumed the htrt you ere undcrfUnde that mine is pure fed place, and in fpite

... to bill againft her in the Court Exchequer the trial lalled feven hours, when Ihe was acquitted. Preferments. The Rev. Dr. Difncy, curate of Leeds, to the reftojy of Barnes, near London, vacant by the death of the late Rev. Mr. Ferdinand© Warner. —The ...


... Stable, in Stepben-llreet, with Locks, Grates, and Chimney-pieces, and large Garden in the Rere. For Particulars inquire of Mr. Difncy, laid Houfe. To be fold, the Queen’s Head in Dride-ftreet, handfome bay Gelding with long Tail, five Years old, 15 Hands high ...

Published: Monday 08 November 1773
Newspaper: Saunders's News-Letter
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1001 | Page: 1 | Tags: none

Thursday Night's Post

... Pockiington, (the High Sheiiff) came forward upon the huttings, and acquainted ihe company with the of the day; then lewis Difncy, of Fliuiham, £(q; propoled John Midlers, Elq; Col wick Hall near that town, as Gentleman of a large and independent fortune ...

Published: Saturday 07 January 1775
Newspaper: Shrewsbury Chronicle
County: Shropshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1456 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

LEEDS, Ja»ua»* it

... room in this place. After the Sheriff had acquainted the company with the bufinefs on which . they had been convened, Lewis Difncy_, of Flentham, Efq; propofed John Mutters, of Cohvick Hall, Efq. a gentleman of a large and independent fortune, as a proper ...

Published: Tuesday 10 January 1775
Newspaper: Leeds Intelligencer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1401 | Page: 3 | Tags: none