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From the Len I.:Thn a.z:tt^, TuTy 7

... Randolph, C?pt, Rohinion, Capt: c &c. . The Account of Capt. Somers ill prO Ves mitilike. When the Compton came from Benthe Duke of York, Fordwich,and two Dutch Ships, lay in that River at fame diflance below two Oftend Ships, (which arriv'd under Poi& ...

'l4 From the Whitehall Even. Poft, Auguft 22. At a Veftry held at St. Margaret's Wetiminftcr, it has been ..

... for the Damage and Colts, purfuant to the Verdi brought in Execution to the New Goal in Surrey. We hear from Clare-Hall in Cambridge, That Dr. Green, late Fellow at that College, Author of the celebrated Grenian Philorophy, being dead, hath made the Mafter ...

den to with him abov

... the Game fet out for Glattlow, in order for Tranfportation. Path, Sept. r 5. The Dutchefs of Buckley; Moth:r ill-Law to the Duke of Berwick, and forn crk Lady of the Bed-Chamber to King James 11's Queen, died on the 6th Inftant, at S. Germain en Laye, ...

next Term

... next Term. Oa Sunday next his Grlce the Duke of Newcline will let out for his Sett at Eldird in there to keep open Houfc for a Nlnnth. Yelterday Morniug Mr. Gordon, who keeps Sturges's Cofrce-houfe in St. Martin's Line s received a Letter to put Gaineis ...

I From the St. James's Even. Poft, Nov 24t Ora Court has received the agreeable News of the of Pruffia's

... an Eltate of between 8 or 900 I. per Ann. de• volves to his only Broth:r Tho. Parker, now a Student ia Queen's College, Cambridge. From the Daily Polk November 25. We hear that a Solen n Embalry will very fpeedily be fent to the Court of Pruflis. On Saturday ...

From the Whitehall aven.__Polt, Dec. 8

... conduacd by the Matter a the Ccretnonies. I Rev : Smrcl Greene, Frllmv of 01 , eciL s II Queen's College, Cambridge, being prefeated by his Grace the Duke of Montagu to the Lb , . ing cf St. George the Martyr in Queen's tquare, Ormond-firm, was yrfterday ...


... Beauers in Suffolk, which is in the Gift of his Grace the Duke of Dorlet. On the 7th latent died the Rev. Mr. Philip Fairwell, of a lingring hinds; he was lately Fellow eof Trinity College, Cambridge, and Iteetor of Clipfton in Rutlandthire. There having ...


... Endowments, and a fuccina Dercription of the Buildings in two Royal Sheets. 3. Cantibrigia Illuftrata, or Vim's, et. ditto of Cambridge, in two Royal Sheets. 14.. Some curious Violins, under prime colt.' 15. Bateman's Right Spits of Scurvy-grals. both Golden ...

LONDON, Jan. 23, Yeficiday the Houf: ct Loris went up to St. James's with an humble Addrefs of Thanks to

... mcafurcd. Grace the Duke of Richmond and Lenox has itlign'd his Commiffion for Aid de Chimp to his Majefty. And alto his Commit:l - ion as Captain of a Troop in the Royal Regiment ofHorfe Guards, aue, commanded by his Grace the Duke of Bolton. (i;•11c4 ...

The Rev. Dr. Litts.eton is appointed to preach Yefierday the Judges met, and chore the folbtfore the Hon. Houle of

... Majetly w e re re ady to •of the Dukes of Savoy fuccellively, for their march at an Hour's Warning. We learn from • Protation; and now, by the King of Sardinia, Milan, that upon Advice of the new advanta-1 the reigning Duke, they had been wholly de- gems ...


... We hear that his Grace the Duke ot Argyle will be appointed Conftable of the Tower in the Room of the Lord Lonfdalc, who has refigned. And That General Rofs will be appointeid Governor of Portfmouth, in the Room of the Duke of Argyle. 'Tis faid, that ...

mond, in Surrey, is

... Tongue. [N. B. His Poems are sold at the Printing Office, Canterbury.] The Rev. Mr. Bate, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and lately Chaplain at Paris to his Excellency Horatio Walpole, Esq; his Majesty's Embassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ...