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... the litters, and afterwards let out cn his return tu Paris. Extrafl ej a letter fretn Officer at SLst to a Gentleman in Cambridge. datedFJov. 10, I77f>. are now keepingourfclvcs warm in this climate of fiod and (now ; the campaign fimdied with the engagement ...


... in the Fored Inglewood, and County Cumberland ; of Acres thereabouts arable, meadow, and Ground, with geo Hedges, held the Duke Portland pared the faid Foreft, and by payment of the Rent I I. 5 $. to a fmall and incontlderable Fine on the Death the Lord ...

dared, that he imagi

... begged the noble Duke to pollpone his motion, if wanted witnefles to be iummoned, as many of the moll lit evidences might not be able to be procured till a few days hence. The Duke explained his meaning, and the matter was adjured. The Duke then moved, That ...

.1 th-.t : : t t-> a

... up more than two hours, concluded with moving the fame refolutions were moved in the Upper Houle, a few days lince, by the Duke Bolton. The previous quellion was afterwards moved ; this brought debate, which continued till half after twelve o*clock. Tlie ...

Pii tf thTi'iAfttfOo

... for the taking aliidavits in the . court. . Mr. Taylor, the fecond V,*rangier, who gamed the fecotid Mathematical Prize at Cambridge, (as mentioned in this Paper Ith inll.) was educated at School lit Lancafhite ; not at St. Bees, infeited through ntillake ...


... Edward Downs, of Worth, Chefhire, Ehj. infant’s great, great, great, great uncle Dr. Adlton, thfter of Jefus College in Cambridge, and his brother Mr. Joloph .7(hton, Surry’dreet, in die btrand, the infant's great, great uncles. ijodmotheri : Mrs. Elizabeth ...

GHANA /tNGFXICA, the rntc Scotch I’ILLS

... lirft and moft material queftion afk cl bv the bonanrablc gentleman who propofed the motion, viz. In what ion is the army Cambridge ?” It is with furprizc I find that any part this country is Ignorant the extraordinary circumftances that have attended, ...

Whitehaven, October

... gentleman greatly and deservedly lamented.*Lately at Distington, greatly respected, Mrs. Fearon, wife of Mr. Fearon.--*At Cambridge, Mr. Freeman, many years coachman to King's College. In the course of a long and parsimonious life, he had saved upwards ...

V b ftrokc ;he therefore loaded h!s broadfide, ran to the I'renchman, and poured the whole bfoadMcinto him, on

... , and thofe employed them, in bringing about the above difeovery truly admirable. We hear from Cambridge that the two gold medals given his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Chancellor, for the encouragement of Learning, are this year adjudged to Mr. Lens Sf ...

LONDON, April 20. It

... his want accommodation, and other rtardlhips incident to his confinement, and defiring that he might removed to Newgate. -The Duke of Bolton moved, that the printer his produced a debate of above an hour, when e qucllion was put, Contents 13, Non Contents ...

Earl Batharft’s Acn cttried wkl>* out Alio a refolution by- Lord Ward* ihat it does not appear by this inquiry

... the officers of Green - wich Hofpital, are guilty of the charges aliedged tgainll them, in Capt. Baillie’s book. \ Then the Duke ofCbandqs moved the Committee to refolve it as their opinion, that the thanks of the Houle fhoald b$ given to Lord Sandwich ...