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Rendal Chronicle

... of that month. The as* ably of the Ha. noverian States was opened at Hanover on the 18th when his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, as Vice-Roy, proceeded is state, and made a speech to the Assembly. French Papers to the 214 instant have arrived The ...

Maktigiy, Jas. IC

... in the late war ; and at the same time it was resolved to ;endow this address in a letter to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, which has been presented today, by a Depilation freM the States. • [This address is merely complimentary, and contains ...


... of a hunting party, in which the Duke of Richmond and several other Loglishases of distinction engaged, in the forest of Ardennes, they repaired to the Lumen village of St. Mien. The people tecullecting that the Duke is toniiiirred in Ireland the p atron ...

LANDAL 71114771CAL5

... ws. The Duke of Northumberlead, with his emostorned goodness, km gives two hawked aid f peon& awards erecting a Charity School House at Oslughsttt , in Mr. Dampier, eldest ion of Mr. Janice Dampim, bees timed a Fellow of Kiss:* College, Cambridge. 04 tie ...

of the digeresee of the ;woes must tie pa• t try the I. et of s 10-s-prodid note. Cr.- reamer./

... their c educe. unites Mr.Vanairtart' b ut . trout t h e p dtit.g the boa. the eratchrownswoke. Tat, will stand the Doke of Duke of Leine red, percesvir.i his Violation. he iininediately (sea the seer, Marquis ot Exeter. MARV , * .ilego, ta l i o f reg ...


... Ilirmingkaut. boot-makar. 1. Sweetie. Baormutreet. linal-grem., victualler. 1. White, Rwtkwark, victualler. 0. helium, a Cambridge. Montt. R. feri-cmin. Pewhutchram. broker. 1. Bailey. larmingliant, prderier. 3. Wile?. Liverpool, draper. T. Logbea Um ...

i 4.411 -ter de 1 • Amo • 1,-

... toe o'clock thr Art htittehese Marie Louisa of Austria bid a farewell usilience tie King. an d A so o f M u3 sortir. of the Duke and Duchess of AN :outcome, sad th.• Disko de Berri, At o'clock the Emperor Rii.sia repaired I:. the l'huireri,ui, aid had ...


... the Ilant. hu ghplail to S•h ins SW. These Papers con.ain an intereqing adarr.s from the *itates n( nitpicker to the Duke of Cambridge, %%high abmisitk nub encomiums on tl.r ialour of the Hanoi erian troop. who fttincht in lite lair bat• 4. Fouche arrived ...

and Kexked my left kaad mans Arnt and Shoul-1 r it k:11- d him and we charged Booty parts 'myriad

... the Bth inst. They contains copy of the Address presented on the 3d by the States of Hanover to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. In this address the States declare it to be their duty to express the sentiments of esteem and gratitude they bear towards ...

Walaserday, Doc. 11. The greet and uecessory sacnfice of Marshal ?ley has hers mede with all the solemnity and ..

... the whole of his defame do the winery Ca mentio• of Pori% be most him bees perfectly swan. if it were only on acconat of she Duke of Welfseg. ton's explosion= of that arreagemest. that he was altogether excluded from the measiog and bowels of the Cuoventles ...

PRN:ki 0.1, a I'OC KS ON M. E.DN SIJ.Vti

... S. of ht. Jobs'. College,• ; William Balms, A. B. of Me:dales Collar, Cambridge Shottleworth Bangui, of Trimly College. Dahlia ; fah. Seddon! ; C • lamas, A. S. of 11s1t, Cambridge; /ohm ark, A. M. of Drama moss College, Osford. We have germ plaware, ...

PRETRYDIED pate Tlw penishincat toy the Penal that on the tome day lie was mewed effigy fori large into

... pleasance] for the British Nlu- The Oficial Gazette therefore attempts to dissi- I mum, or the Universitiosof Oxford or Cambridge ? pate it by imputing the delay in the embarkation 1 Their are many Noblemen and Literati w o uld nut of the troops at Calais ...