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... to West Park, Earl and Cocuntess ODe ?? in Bedfordshire.-Mor5Za9 Clereslc, July 17. Their Royal, figh'osses ?? Dachesof Cambridge will resid- prineipally at Keitlis aatamia. Various alterations aid improvents aro at, prsust being made, 'the ictmnodaton ...


... Williams I and Rosetta Wade. The wvife was still alive, fol she ovas thienr in the roam. James Cox, of Bruaidon terrace, Cambridge, said be was present at the second omarriage with his sister, Elizabeth White, a widow. He did notrecollect-the day. It ...


... invited the Lord Mayor, the Lady Slayoress, and the Sheriffs to be her guests at Windsor on the day of the ceremonial, The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland ore specially invited by her Majesty to Wiindsor Castle during the stay of her Majesty's royal ...


... the navigation of line-of-battle ships. The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort left town, on Wednesday, for Badminton. The noble dulke's pack are appoi~t'edl to meet on the lawn, on Salturdaly next, where the duke and the duchless give an elegant dejeminc to ...


... Pavilion at Brighion. The Duke of Cambridge left town onl Friday morning, to visit Lord Willoughby ?? at Grimsthorpo in Lincolnshire. The Duchess of Gloucester gave a grand dinner at Gloucester House, on Thursday, to the Duke and Duchess and Princess Augusta ...


... Highness the Duke of Canmbridge, attended by Colonel Jones, left town on Wednesday morning to hononr the Dulce of Rutland with a visit, at his seat, ?? Castle, Linebinebs'ire. Tbeir Royal Highliesses tha Duchess. and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge, attended ...


... Prinee George of Cambridge has been promoted to the Lieutenant.Colonelcyi of tho Sth ?? . A Cabinet Council was held, on Saturday afternoon, at the Foreign-office. . It was'attended: by Sir Robert Peal, the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of*Buccleuch, the ...


... and nearly all the nobility in town. The Queen opened k the ball in a quadrille with his Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge; his Royal Highness Prince Albert dancing in the same quadrille with her Grace e the Duchess of Buccleuch. Her Majesty, who ...


... Prince Albert arrived from Buckingham Palace, accomipaied by tes Counts Mensdorff, and a numerous suite. The Duke of Sussex, the Duke of Cambridge and Prince George, the IDuke of Saxe Meiningen and the Hereditary Prince George, were present. The attendance ...


... from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and from thie corpo- ration of the city of London. On the same evening her Majesty and his royal highness Prince Albert were most gciously pleased to honour the Duke and Duchess of cutberland, by their company ...


... has, howover, been obliged to give up the amusoment of shooting. His Royal Highness the Dukeo of Cambridge gave a grand diiner on Saturday, at Cambridge House, to the oflicers of the Coldstruoan regiment of foot guards of which regiment his royal highness ...


... vessel, for a pa~saget-to Ostend, l 13i q Royal H~igitness the Duke of; S ussex: had{ a Eselect. party ait donuevon Saturday, at hits resjideuice ip kepjssngten Palace, ,The Duike of Cambridge visited his RoyihlHigZh rmess the same day- ?? i,.; ?? |, Her ...