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... influence in public affairs, fo that now njjjtoexpeft an alteration of mealures in one paftor:he political fyftem. A certain Duke, it is confidently reported, confeffed few days ago to certain great perfonage, that the toils and ilanders of the Hate were ...


... ihfhience in public affairs, fo that now wp njgjwapefl an alteration of meafures in one paffofthe political fyftem. A certain Duke, it is confidently reported, conferred a few days ago to a certain great perfonage, that the toils and (landers of the Hate ...

LONDON, May 13

... evoleocc it th ;f I'pUant h„ not himftl/ to rf'Ah* coofeqoently not So A?, (; °f eir ° f »'i ...

Tin court Art tilt Jannmilli, the and pcoplt ) the mini Iter France, lenhule the revenue the kingdom unable another

... Gen. Borgard.—At Wooburn Abbey, in Bedfordlhire, his Grace the Duke of Grafton, to Mifs Wrottefley, third daughter of the Rev. Sir Richard Wrottelley, Bart, and Dean of Worcefter. The Duke and Duchels of Marlborough, with the Earl and Countefs Gower, and ...

f***! * *n»ilttr»A to his Msjedy bv»lr .. was ivfl* ,W, | » , vtl received. i? l *2.‘^ Hon

... the 'Temple by Solomon. Tuelrlay the ;th of July is fixed for the inftallation of his Gtace the Duke of Grafton, Chancellor the Univerfity of Cambridge. On Friday a motion was made in the Court of common pleas, for a rule for a noble Lord to (hew caufe ...

LONDON, May 27

... of the temple by Solomon. Tuelrlay the sth of July is fixed for the inftallation of his Gtace the Duke of Grafton, Chancellor of the Univerfity of Cambridge. On Friday a motion was made in the cotirt of common pleas, for a rule for a noble Lord to (hew ...

AY, June 8, 1769. Yefterday John SawbridgC, Efqj attended the levee St. James’s; after which a grand cabinet ..

... known world. We hear that the marriage of his Grace the Duke of Grmftdfi with Mifs Wrottefley did not take place on Friday, will it be folemnized 'till after his Grace’s Ifilranawn at Cambridge. bear the difappointed miftrefs of a certain great njan, ...


... Preferred. —The Rev. Townfend Andrews, LL. B. late of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to the living of Afhwell, in the county of Hertford.—The Rev. Bernard Fowler, B. L. late Magdalen College, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Southminfter, together with the vicarage Mayland ...

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... the known world. We hear that the marriage of his Grace the Duke of Gfttftdli with Mifs Wrottefley did not take place on Fricjair, will it be folemnized 'till after his Grace's at Cambridge. We hear the difappointed miftrefs of a certain great iqan, who ...

To the ’ P U B I. IC

... Preferred. —The Rev. Town find Andrews, LL. B. late of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to the living of Alhwell, in the county of Hertford.—The Rev. Bernard Fowler, B. L. late of Magdalen College, Cambridge, to the vicarage of Sottthminfter, together with the vicarage ...

LONDON, June 1 j

... either way, refusing the rengnation of Mr. Alderman Blakifton. The enfuine inlfollation of his Grace the Duke of Giafton, as Chancellor of Cambridge, it is generally thought, will be moll remarkably fplcndid ; aa lie will not only be attended by the extenfive ...

LONDON, June 13

... either way, refpe&ing the resignation of Mr. Alderman Blakifton. The enfuing inftallation of his Grace the Duke of Grafton, as Chancellor Cambridge, it is generally thought, will be moft remarkably ; as lie will not only be attended by the extenfive circle ...