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... We hear that his Grace the Duke ot Argyle will be appointed Conftable of the Tower in the Room of the Lord Lonfdalc, who has refigned. And That General Rofs will be appointeid Governor of Portfmouth, in the Room of the Duke of Argyle. 'Tis faid, that ...

mond, in Surrey, is inftrueting Mr. Stephen Dud, the Celebrated Wiltfhire Poet, in the Latin 7onpie. {N. Nem ..

... Latin 7onpie. {N. Nem are fold at the PrintiugOffice, Cantepbtity.] Tr.e Rev. Mr. Bate Fellow of St. John's Co!. 2 ; lege, Cambridge and lately Chapliin .at Pari s . to his Excellent)) , Horat . .3 Walpole, Efq; his Ma. Embaitidor- Extraordinary and Pkn ...

Flom SATURDAY July 17, to WEDNESDAY J•Cy 21, 1731

... Ritcr Thames Rothollyth, which entirely burnt fitc ct them, and damaged IL vcrakeliers. 1 bunt, wc hcar, arc tl:c rookendcn, Cambridge C. Crocker, Guemfey C. Reading, Charming Mat)/ C. Ecll, and a Norway Ship called the Hanover laden with Deals. The Lois is ...


... Anderfon was loft in her Voyage outward, on the North..C9ait ot Scotland. Laft Week the Mauer and Fellows ot Trinity Hall in Cambridge expellUtiw.. Rev. Dr. Nichols for the neglat of his Dutyias!on,e of the Chaplain Fellows of the Colege, and for feveral enormous ...

From the Whitehall E

... planted in that that island, in order to make Trial whether Coffee cannot be produced there. Irefterday his Royal Higlinefs the Duke, accompanied by fcvcral Perfons of Diftination, di-. vetted himfelf with Shooting in Bufhy Park; and the fame Evening his Royal ...

[Numb. 13931 Laft Fr

... was fent for to Italy, to be made ufe of in the curious Monument that is now preparing to the Memory of the late torious John Duke of Marlborough. Dublin, Sept. 25. Early on Wednefday ning three Rogues, near Dromcondra, fer on John Carrick, one of the Cloth ...

From the Courant November 1. to fi: with a Pair of SpeCtacles, and XO PLiki)s have been taken putzii}g his

... ile bcl - t quer in 1724 but lodg'd in his Leg. the Eviecrce being on!y cir- Cambridge, Oft. 28. tefterday Morning curl-46116d, and not politive, about Ten o'Clock, the Duke of Lorrain homed were acimittt dto bail on this Univarfity with his Prefence ...

the Whitthal aStening-Poiti Nor. tl. The Num* of Blanks that arc yet undrawn, nukes the total Value af the Prizes

... Royal Highnefs receives at the Court of Great Britain. From the London Evening Poft, Nov. z;. The Duke of Lorrain gave amongft the Servants of his Grace the Duke of Grafton, when he left Euflon-Hall in Suffolk, Bank BiDs iór three hundred Pounds. His Highnefs ...

I J . rom SATURDAY ni:Kr 20, to WEDNESDAY November 24, - 1731. [Numb ) 10/.1 W. 90,044 From a

... : moil materialfAdt ices from A broul my are, That :the Imperial 'Court is pli;afeet with the Honours flitted .to the Duke of Loiiaiii g, Englatto ; and 'Ls a ffurcd is will go to vifit fetetslt . l.Ciors and Princes of the Empire, before returns ...

I7C a l'' •

... the Ships of War under his Command, having kft the third behind to ainvoy foam Merchant-men. • Hagne, Dec. 2 r , N. S. The Duke ofLorrain having made his Palfage from Margate in twelve Hours, landed at Helvoctfluys on Saturday lail in the Morning, came ...