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East Midlands, England


Derby, Derbyshire, England

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... RIPLEY EASTER FAIR. US!.. ?? ?? ?? - - - - ! - -- .. . ?? - The Easter Fair at this growing town is gradually assum-l hying largor proportions, and bids fair, at no distant period, to ho one of the chief events of the your to the agricultural comuntyofthe ...


... :- seas 11Iii the English llolenchature Easter Sunday has always sai? lay Sundays in Lent immediately preceding, and the five Sundays serv after Easter immediately following. Of these thme nearest to hell Easter befoie and after ore Palma Sunday land Losw ...

[ill] for Ladies

... DRESS. Prudent persona do not buy their summer bonnets till after Easter, but girls like t3 have tbeir new bats as early as possible, They feel their youthfulnesa and joyfulnesa rise freshly within them in the young 2pring days, and a shabby hat or gown ...

Dramatic and Musical

... troupe, which also includes Mr. F. 1 . Lays and Mr. Arthur Mlavins-the former aln excellent comedian, the latter a decidedly rising tenor. The comn- pany open at Blrton to)-morrow (Weduesdlay) evening, and remain there till the end of the week. Tnken from ...


... years ago 9 is a sum of 2s. is distributed to certain of the octo- ar sgenarians, to spend 1between Hosanna Sunday and be Easter Day. The old custom of distributing bags It of raisins and 1 new pennies to the boys of Christ'x W -Hospital-and of ...


... attrhe a-e oot fatty-vrie werks, she dlied of that must painiful disease, WVater itn tile brait. Hter remtains were uiter~ed on Easter Sunday, it) the burial grauard of the ltrdepetident Chapel at Belper ; a vault ?? been prepared, suliietrrly large to aintit ...


... AA fearless and as frank they will treed the ruddy plank,can Where the hoarder slips to rise no more. cm Hush, brothers, cheer no more! onre Let the low prayer rise invwitness to the skies two Of our hope and our trust in His hand that roles the War; lates ...

RECOLLECTIONS OF FILEY. By John Edwards. Semrose, Derby.—This is a short Poem chiefly descriptive

... gun. Hark, the wind howls! the booming deep Comes rolling with tremendous sweep Against the beetling rocks; The tide still rising, every hour Augments the grandeur of its power; Yet the Mioles stirs notit survives the shocks. Amidst this elemental jar ...

Literary and Artistic

... Orl. C;,Itvjar? ad ?? rtistiq. [SPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED. I Apropos of Mrs. Leith-Adams, who will leave Derby at Easter, with her husband, I read in society the following notice of her latest publication, My Brother Sol Mrs. Leitli-Adaws writes charmingly ...


... rose above his troubles. A windy orator in the American Legislature, after a ng~tDy effort, stopped for a glass of water. I rise, said mess, to a point of order. Everybody stared, wondering hat the point of order wvas. What is it? asked the rpeak;er ...

Literary and Artistic

... the Life of ty Lord Hatherley are in the hands of Mr. Bentley. and ut that the work will probably see the light before Easter. *re It is also stated that the same publisher has in the ad press Mr. S. C. Hallb long-expecled autobiography. ut This is ...


... mind that war is in- evitable, the interesting question remains, when is it to be ? Some rumours which are afloat have given rise to an appre- hension that peace would not last the summer, but from all I can gather there is no probability of an immediate ...