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DARING CUTRAGES. The following darmg and atrocious outrages, Com- mitted last night by a large body of men at a

... years back have T called the ‘attention of the public to this nuisance ; the Act is read by Mr. Jones in. open Court every Easter Sessions, which preserites' the fees to be taken; bat all in vain; the what they to. be 56 sly illegal. Loften think to ive ...

Ct'e gtgertx, gcr?

... Mr. Justice Buyly??s last Treatise Bills of Exchange, and which was decided argument in tlie Court King??s Bench, Englund, Easter Term, 1822, whereby it appeared, that if an aln-rtuiun is nrado in aiiAccommodation Bill before negutiated. new stamp is mil ...

• Cert Coinm?;rciat gourfcr>

... question of a Candidate for a Mitre. The Consecration of Dr. Latten will we under- stand take place in Cashel immediately after Easter. Chanty Sermon to nreached to-morcow in St. Peter’s Chureh, is in aid of one of the most benevolent objects that can be con- ...

impctiai parliament

... off, it is said, on Wednesday in Easter week. Lieutenant General Baron d’Eroles, whose arrival at . activel Perpignan we have fs he Mtg ‘aith who ure in y employ- the ed in the troops of t! routier line. of the Easter: Pyrenees, and along the LONDON, ...


... to have a large poundare; for if the pour lage was low, they will then sould do their duty and make all pay. f one vive one Easter 1821, the he head of contin- hundred ponnds was levied under t discovered to WW ves; during that year the root wes he in such ...

COSIMERCE.—AGRICULTURE. have accounts from various parts of the country of avery considerable rise in the ..

... COSIMERCE.—AGRICULTURE. have accounts from various parts of the country of avery considerable rise in the prices of meat. This is partly to be ascribed to a real scarcity of sheep and cattle, arising, in so:ne degree, from the lute long and severe winter ...

ITljc 13 rportcr, atiD Cork gommmta! gcuritt

... considered as almost un- » fai‘ing. By contrivance, when the machinery of the mill has pitainekits proy-er speed, certain balls rise by their centrifugal force, so draw a box below the reach of a bell-handle, which -wvill then cease to ring a tell, placed ...

Xljc ans Corh Coinmercial Courier

... made out.—The return was ordered. [ THURSDAY, MARCH 31. U|K>n the motion of Mr. Wynne, it was ordered that the House, its rising, adjourn till this day fortnight. Sir J. Newport moved for an account of all sums of money expended by the Society of Apothecaries ...

dwellings, and encourage them end their chil- pecially to the number of children and young persona dren to ..

... lead me to infer that there must a zealous, active clergyman, which has not had con- amount of contributions, on the last Easter Festival, be a considerable number that have changed or are gregatiou, even in places where but few Proteatanu The result ...

%f)t doutyetn IRepottet, ano Covh Commevtial Courier

... Justice—l think so, Mr. Scarlett. Mr. Campbell —My learned friend, Mr. Gurney, gag* gcsts that some centuries hence this may give rise to great confusion ; iaanmuch upon the record of this action it will be uncertain who, in the sixth year the reign of George ...

ii rt* 1L JV4L' iLe rter. r(i» PAPKIt fireuU&t vtrp ertrnxivfly in every Diilricl of the Count!) of Cork ; aUo ..

... Drawing Pa- per, coloured, varnished, and mounted on Rollers, IE STREAM OF HISTORY (brought dow ntp T the year 1824), shewing the Rise. and Fal 1 of Empires, and the progress Arts. Sciences, and Li- terature of every nation inAh ld, from the earliest ages to ...