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... tot, macit drink.F ined 5:s., Including ?? Bet-ke was fined i0n., Ga, including costs for bilog drunk and indecently i n! exposing himself. - Wilfl~itt Condor, seoarmti, was cliargel with being drank anti using obscene iltnguaget in c-he Olive Birancli ...


... property-' id] - discovered.. If so, it will be. your duty. to find a true bill; id] s but if not,, it will not be proper to expose the man to the -ha , ignominy of a trial. The other case is the last on. the- inl ) icalendar-that of stealing a, sovereign ...


... or f.-utot-ter dkay in defanlt. (iric frriieC c/iveg- Laws-Even 'Xbomnas, outcher, rest ,ofies Lane, was summon10ed for exposing a Car-call of a erow which was putriel in September, and had refuised to rwourie it when ordered by the insapector of Poirsances ...


... ,be repeated. He did not know*it was 'in any way legal. They could 'justify necessary 're- straint, but bhey'were. not to expose prisoners to unnecessary. indignities and violence. The CONSTA'IsE said he was acting under the 'orders of his superiors. ...