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... The artistes were Miss Moreton Young and Miss Ada Canning, soprano ; Mr. Musgrove Tufnail, baritone; Miss Grace Hamilton, violinist; Mr. Archibald Evans, pianist. The concert went off very well, but the attendance was only fairly good. ...

Published: Saturday 01 August 1891
Newspaper: Bucks Herald
County: Buckinghamshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 74 | Page: 8 | Tags: none

Lhas to BIRTHS. At P

... remaining child of Mr. Patrick Buchan. At 18, Clarence Street, Everton, Liverpool, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Grace Hamilton, relict of Archibald Brown, Esq., Glasgow. At 200, Stirling's Road, on the 26th, instant, Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. William ...


... at Glasgow, his Grace the Duke Hamilton the chair, in which it has been proposed and carried that Corps Yeomanry shall be raised for the preservation of the peace of the western community. The brother his Grace, Lord Archibald Hamilton, was ...

Published: Saturday 02 October 1819
Newspaper: Carlisle Patriot
County: Cumberland, England
Type: Article | Words: 1104 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... John Duffus and Mrs Duffle; Mr W. Watson Will and Mrs Watson Will ; Mr Fred A. Hamilton, Mrs and Misses Ethel and Grace Hamilton ; Mr W. Archibald, Mrs and Miss Archibald ; Mr John Simpson and Miss Simpson ; Mr J. G. Younger's' and Mrs ...

Announcements of Birth, Marriage* and Death*, must be forwarded to the this gaper not than 3 p. m. on Friday*

... Mills, of the William the Fourth, Four Lane Ends, Whitefield. On the 21st inst., Clarence-street, Everton, Grace Hamilton, relict of Archibald Brown, Esq., of Glasgow. On the 21st inst., at his residence. Hill Honse, West Kirby, Cheshire, in his 29:h ...

Published: Saturday 27 January 1844
Newspaper: Manchester Courier
County: Lancashire, England
Type: FamilyNotice | Words: 1369 | Page: 6 | Tags: none

sistence, might be employed. off., remarks end recommendation., we meet with doe attention. One pawage of bi, ..

... A meeting has been held Glasgow hi, r„. of Hamilton in the chair, which®,t carried that Corps of Yeomanry .hall preservation of the peace of the western coair, n brother of his Grace, Lord Archibald Hamilton, 7m c ,I and, in able and patriotic s|ieecb ...

Published: Saturday 02 October 1819
Newspaper: Durham County Advertiser
County: Durham, England
Type: Article | Words: 1220 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... illness, GERARD POTTER, Esq., M.D., in his 31st year. On the 21st instant, at 18, Clarence-street, Everton, Mrs. GRACE HAMILTON, relict of ARCHIBALD BROWN, Esq., Glargow. Same day, at his residence, Hill-house. West Kirby, Cheshire, in his 29th year, Mr. ROBERT ...

0 61 0 0 Ci 5 5 0 FIFTHS

... Elizabeth, relict of the late William Vanderstegen, Es^. On the 21st instant, at Clarence-strect, Everton, Grace Hamilton, relict of Archibald Brown, Esq., of Glasgow. tbe 21st instant, aged 70 years, Mrs Mary Middl«t«u On the 20th instant, aged years ...

Published: Saturday 27 January 1844
Newspaper: Liverpool Mail
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1760 | Page: 7 | Tags: none


... artistes were—Miss Moreton Young and Miss Ada Canning, soprani ; baritone, Mr. Musgrave Tufnail; violinist, Miss Grace Hamilton ; pianist, Mr. Archibald Forbes. The concert was opened with a solo by the latter gentleman, and Miss Canning then sang Waffenschmied” ...


... illness, GERARD POTTER, Esq , M.D.. in his 3lq year. On the 21st instant, at 18, Clarence-street, Everton, Mrs. GRACE HAMILTON, relict of ARCHIBALD BROWN, Esq., Glasgow. Same day, at his residence, Hill-house. West Kirby, Cheshire, in his 2gth year, Mr. ROBERT ...


... organist at Wakefield Pariall Church for twelve months. On Sunday, the 21st ult.,at Clarence-street, Ererton, GRACE HAMILTON, relict of ARCHIBALD BROWN, Eq., Glasgow. Same day, aged 70, Mrs. MARY MIDDLETON. On Monday last, in his 68th year, Mr. JOHN HEALEY ...

Published: Monday 29 January 1844
Newspaper: Liverpool Albion
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2216 | Page: 3 | Tags: none