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... ascribe to your client, for 1 wish to act upon 7'siastram S/sandy's principle: In toy journey through life, I would not hurt the hair even of a jackass on the road flaughter]. Air. ALLEY I have no acquaintance with Mr. Wilks ; 1 have had no communication with ...


... of hilman hair. The complainant, Mr. John Kennedy, of Westmorland Buildings, Aldersgare- street, human hair maist/acturer, said, the prisoner was in histemploy, and a few days ago he sto le the hair iu question from a bale of French hair which they had ...


... POLICE. GUILTPHALL.-MARIA HODGES, a female, about 23 Yeats of age, was re-examined before Sir Peter Laurie, yesterday, on suspicion of being so accessary after the fact, by aiding one Thomas Nelmes to escape from justice, well knowing that tile officers ...


... by Sir Peter Laurie, who sat by his ?? Hawke said to the gentleman, ' Wfe will go now ; and as she passed Sir Peter, he said something to her about feelings, which our reporter did not distinctly hear.- Where is your father ? said Sir Peter to the ...


... other family claims to which he was obliged to give his attention. The Applicant, in reply to some questions put by Sir Peter Laurie, said that he was the legitimate son of his father, but his mother was dead, and his father had married again. The misconduct ...


... Tans ExrTRAoRDINARY PAUPER CASE.-A conversation took place between Sir Peter Laurie and Mr Thomas, the Vestry Clerk of St Mary Woolchurch, respecting the case of Wm. Webb. Sir Peter reminded Mr Thomas, that he doubted the young man's relation until lie ...


... the Old Bailey. Sir PETER LAURIE inquired what expences had been allowed at the Old Bailey. Tbl. pawnbroker replied, that lie had 22e GI., and his father 25s.; the constable ?? had 22s. 6d., anx prosecutor some expences. Sir PETER said this was tolerably ...


... evaded'the seat cb by staying on the roof of the house all night, and next morning she walked off in man's apparel [a ?? PETER LAURIE said he should not interfere beyond calling on d efendant for bail. QUEEN- SQUARE-UNrPAeILoNABLE HAP.tctClUlNG.-An el- ...


... it was quite evident the piece had been broken | out a very considerable time. It was reported that a quantity | of human hair was found in the place where the skeleton was | discovered, but this was not the fact. He had shown the skull i to some medical ...


... aged 20. The man, in reply to Sir Peter Laurie, said, with a smile, that he belleved he was the lather, and he hoped his Worship would not be hard upon him, as he had to pay for the keep of another.-Sir ParTr LAuRIE said his smilieg and flippancy of manner ...


... addressed. Mr. L.suRiz (the Barrister) said that Ady bad used the name of his uncle, Sir Peter Laurie, from motives of revenge, in consequence of the advice which Sir Peter had given to the public about the hum. bug promises of profit made to them upon the ...


... estimates, this mode of assessing tended to increase the practice of run- ning in arrear. After some observations from Sir Peter Laurie, Sir Robert Baker, Mr. Fyler, and Mr. M'W1illiam, the re- port was referred to the committee for general purposes, on the ...