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Strathclyde, Scotland


Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... JaIes6 * Peter Gordon, Esq. Curtous FLcT, -Notwltbstanding the great distresa ?? in consequence 6f the American war;' the Infant mortality in the burgh baa considerably de-; oreased, and it Ia accounted for in th wy-mothers now ttend to their own ohilden; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... deaths of 2830 persons were registered during February, of whom 1373 were males, and 1457 females, These numbers showthe mortality to have been far above the average, even although allowance be made for increase of population. Of the 2830 deaths recorded ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... greatest mortality -among children. Thus, in Glasgow, allowing for increase of population, there died during the year in the. proportion of 13-08 children out of every 100 living under five years of age. In Aberdeen, however, the infantile mortality, during ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... which, In the monthly report for March, were expressed re- ,, gardinlg the probable mortality, 1that the year, as a whole, *e will prove ahealthy one, and that the mortality will be belowv it the mean. r n The Cleath rate, as might be expected varied c ...

BIRTHS. At Abbotefor

... . At Guildry Court, on the 27th instant, MIr. Willam Miller, printer. I At Bellevue, Garngad Hill, on the 26th inst., the infant daugh- t ter of Nir. William Lochhead. At 21, Nicholson Street, on the 25th instant, Jane McHaffie, eldest daughter of Ar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 23d instant, Mary Ann, aged 5 years, daughter of Mr. Archd. Oswald. At 19 London Street, Edinburgh, on the 23d inst,, the infant son of John Galietly, SS.C. At Marybill, on the 22d instant, Eizabeth, aged 19, third daughter of Mr. John Gibb. At 33 Castle ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the same in town and in rural districts. From birth till the tenth year of life the mortality diminished; from the fifteenth t year to the close of life ,the mortality slowly but regularly increased with the increase of age. : E At every successive age ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1890, at the age of 79. A tiny coffin also deposited within the grave contained the remains of Mr Terriss's grandchild, the infant daughter of MAr Seymour Hicks, which was buried here in November last. A number of the spectators remained ?? a short distance ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the twvo, the third managed to get behind Dr Living- stone, and with one ?? from an Axe clove in his head. The ivound wvas mortal, but thie ae4assiu quickly met his Own doom, fora bullet from NMoosas musket passe(d through his body, and the murderer Ls ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nuit effroyable! aL reteatit tout-h-coup, cemse un eolat de tennerre, .clle .toenante nonvello; anadam aS nmeurt! Madame eat mortal Qui de noua e soB seatit frapp6 s ca coup, comarn as quslnue tragique accident avoit d6dseh sa famile? Au premier bruit ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... boily infirmities might well have the pathos of sh' '-tragedy, but of tragedy which had noathing to tbi Y do with despair. The mortal machine nil1% broke down, but the mied was powerful as over, I e ~O clogged theugh it was with increasing frequomy abci V ...