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Exeter Flying Post



Devon, England

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Exeter Flying Post

Advertisements & Notices

... of reproducing vital force, where exhaitlion, eepsecially in infants, might have ended in atrophy anl death. and where no other food would digest. One of my children. univ a healthy infant of fourteen months, was reduced to a living skeleton, and in a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as the mpea5les and chlp cougb are so prevalent. If lbe 'rrhiation of the .gaoi cooes with any other disorder, *eiy fev infants iecovei. Mothers ought .eter td .ba without t'fe AMERICAN SOOTHI G SYRUP. Id ihe Suisury; for it a chIl4 wakes In the nlght ...

Advertisements & Notices

... world, and the Maker, 113, Holborn-hill. Use no substitute, and notice MY NAME and TRADE MARK on the buff-coloured wrapper. MORTALITY AMONG CHILDREN.-A very important crisis with Children is Cutting the Teeth. There is no doubt much illness would be alleviated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is superiorto all other remedies for the Wind, Purg. ings, Convulsions, and those Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels of Infants, which prove fatal to so many ul. der the age of two years. It is equally efficacious in Cholics, Fluxes, and other Complaints ...

Advertisements & Notices

... estll is injeu ios, arn(I they therefore strotgly retonsismt 21 Bth trnur snoweet'eod Fiest Swiso Brni.YI By for the h-, 31 Infants' food. Ask for the ?? Firet SwilstBrsud., Sold evers 41 where. Slte Consinedes. Harthnane, Roll and Co., Beorn' I. Londen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bound. 21. ehe FIRSr PRINCIPLES of RELIGION, and the Existenceofa Deitvexplained ?? Dialoguesadapted to the Capacity of the Infant Minrd. By M%. P. Ptice2s.half-bdi. 22. COBWEBS TO CA'lCli FLIES; or, Dialogues in short Sentences, adapted tq Children from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and the firlf gentlermen y of the faculty who ufc it, declare ita fine flomachic and , bracer, and for fafety proper for an infant. It eradicats the foulnefs the mouth is ?? to, from diet, or dil- ;, ordered lromach,andbyitshealing, purif in , and bal- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tnder ali other circumstances, debility In'the aged as well as in infants, fits, spasms, cramps. paralysis, &c. Du Barry and (to., 121, New Bond-street, London. The best tood for infants and invalids generally, as it never turns acid on the weakest stomach ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the mortality among infcnts is terribly significant of the treatment whioh they receivo. Out of the 1,682 infants committed to its care during the past year, the society only lost sixty, or less than four per cent, while the mortality among infants put ...

Advertisements & Notices

... insane was. returned. INFANTILE MORTALITY AND INSURANCE. Dr. Macdonald, M.P., coroner for North-East Londan, appeared bhore the Select Committee on Friendly Societies on Tuesday to give evidence on. infantile mortality and insurance. Sir H. Maxwell presided ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOZENGES. IT is a fact established by the annual Bills of Mortality that one half of the children born are cut . before attaining seven years of age, and the fruitfill sourceoftthis mortality is found toexist in that foul state, of the stomach and bowels ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Inclement Wcather, the Abuse of Spirituous Liquors, and in the Spasmodic Affections of the Stomach and Bowels, -o common to Infants,-adapting the dose to the urgency of the ease. As a Family Ml1edicine, or for the AnNv or NAvY, it will be found a valuable ...