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Advertisements & Notices

... was adopted anod other business was transacted. Several speakers referred to the connec- tion of burial societies with infant mortality, and Mr. C. E. Sohwann, M.P., said tbpt in hip 9pinou agine legislation uponI the Mlublet was desirable, The r3port vtas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Colquittistreet, seven: paper by Mr. Hugh B. Jones, M.A., ALD., and Mr. Herbert E. Davies, B.A., B.Se.. on 13Excessive Infant MortalitY in Liverpool: its Causes -nd Prevention. Archli tectural Society. Royal institution, 6 30; Paper by Mr. C. I. Alward ...

Differknch of Tastes.—ln takinar new house, the tirst thooght of the woman is, where stall the piano be pat ?

... Wen if the average rate of mortality in corresponding weeks ten previous year 3 had prevailed. 41 Elegant Cough Remedy. Martin'* balsam of horehonnd and the* fines: ugh remedy ever prepared ; safe and agreeable for the infant, and a single doga will give ...

Export on Borwick's Baking Powder, by Dr. ass ALL. — I have subjected Borwick's wellcnown Baking Powder to very ..

... that a high local mortality of children must almost necessarily denote a high local prevalence those causes which determine a defeneration of race. Debility, or imperfect nutrition, retrnlates, so t* speak, rate of infantile mortality. The debilitated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOTHERS! When your infant is suffering and restless from Flatulence (or Wind), Griping PainsJ, Sickness, Di&IrTe1a, c-everish from TEETHING or from any other cause, lose no time in procuring a bottle of WOOD WARD'S 'GRIPE WATER, OP. INFANTS PRESERVATgSR Being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION; And as a mild Aperien t for delicate constitutions, eapeciaily adaptedforLadies, Children, and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which its aperient and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LUGGAGE from March 1. ?? ?? BENGER'S FOOD F B , For *L Infants, Children, and InvalidsL Gold Medal, IDENGERWS FOOD Health Exhibition, London. For Infants, Children, and ,BENGER'S FOOD Invalids. For Infants, Children, and Invalids. y The Lancet says: Woold ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND PROVISION X ME RCHANTS. ]2ENGEiR'3 FOOD! 1BENUER'S FOOD For Infants, Ohildren, and Invalids. ' Gold Mledal, Health Exhibition, London. Highest Arward, Adelade, 1887. B ENG FOOD For Infants, Children, and Invalidi. The Lancet says. Would be assimilated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and could only hope thatere long Parliament might see its walyy to legislate so as to lessen the great and unnatural mortality of infants. The jury considered the whole astem of babyb arming called for prompt legislative action. BMAKRJTCY CASE. IN BE TnOMAs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ery espcte Fsdnds-Asswaus-iaieos gratitudetothit ryinventor of' Casrijnjtuia' Life Pqlfs, end for the benefit of moy tfllow mortals, I ann ,inducaditodeclaretlintrI Ini-c found very I of great benefttin takin--t5i0C. ?? of lwsenft/flvec years Ihave been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inadmnissible, it is an amsple aind productive Lsource of comfort both to the parentc and infant. It is also 3strongly recommended for light suppers, food for infants, 2and makes a most delicious custard pudding, for which pur- I pose it has been used bh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the dead dates back to th- time & the Romwan, since when it has elways been popnfar at~cr'sit Ive- tern nations. The great mortality eir toni conttnry, considering itc sanitar- arrangements., Il en birh a rmber oS shopo exchbsvely for the SALE OF MiOURN7iNG ...