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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Rclaxeation, dand Debility of the Nervous, Vafeular, and Mufeular Syttemns,-that the CAR- *DIAJC'and.NERVO.US TINCTURE, 'for Complaints of dize Head, Stomath,'and Bowels, Gouty, Bilious, and Nervous D~lf- orders, Palfy~and Aihtna, With Droplical Lega,. Chiorofis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does. not furnith a .1 Compofition equal to APPLERY's VEGETABLE TEA, viz. as food and medicine for curing nervous dieafcs'and inward weaknciles, and a trial will prove this fad. This whole- fonme and pleafant breakfaft, taken in the place of Afiatic Teas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eaufy in it form, light in its weight, and mall inits price. TFIE LUOD1AN FAVOURITE ?? ERA~GRANT LOOX: Was invented, becaule complaints had been made of tbe ifioating duft having ibiled tneL hair and ereated Bll unpiefana[t fieent. Trhis head drefi comibines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s thc Cafe of a Young Man, iercerof hi.t City, about as years of age, who had been Ltld from his infancy with a Nervous Complaint, at- t-*d Wvitl great Dcbility, Languor, Want of Appetite, ?? f bp'iri, whichl latterly incrcafed fo much as to endC 0 h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... injury both to thei publie and tlie fair ceal trade. ,. - The Patentee of the CoFal Di ~arufac?, ry havinig often reu eeived complaint ix of h diffe~renc'e of the price hechargtiS for pure belt Coalrs, and the. price advcrttfed'ln tihe hewfpa. perns, has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... butjuffice I fhould infolrm youlilatC duving I my lat, voyage fonm Enlgiud to the Wafl lIdies, I Wit very Much ?? with a Blious Complaint, which afyc-d mc to an alarming degrte, foztjinatclv a Pallenger of nine had fome of your NERVOUS CORDIAL, on bsaardand was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does not furnilt TCompofitiom equal to APPLEEBY's VEGErABLE .IEA, viz, as food and medicine for curing nervous difeafes and inward weaknelies, and a trial will prove this fadi. This wholefome and pcafmnt hrealkfaft, taken in the place of Aliatic Teas, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... does not furnifh T Compofition equal to APPLEBY's VEGLTABLE ILEA, viz. as foodl and medicine for curing nervous diieafs and inward weahnefles, arid a trial wvill prove this faci. '1lsis wholeforne and pleafant breakfaft, taken in the place of Aliatic Tcta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... forbids to difclufe even to their relatives. 'With! a '1 iaifeo nlrnlale Difeafes, WNervous, Hypoehondriac, sod Ctnfunspcive Complaints. To which is added, Advice to Bath and Hot-well WaLers. It is particularly recomnosisaded to Scafaring Also. A a25 bsonh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... furnilh a R Conmpofition equal to APPI,EB Y's VEG.E l1Bl,'1'.A, food anti mcdicine for curing nervous difeafes aid inward weaknetles, and a trial will prove this fa&t. Ihis wholefome snot pleafant brcakfaft, taien in the place of Aliatic Teas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dues not furnifh a ;,,Y O;i1pitton ?? to APPLEBY's VEGETABLE TEA, IV s tt, i ancl nfcl Ulicie for curing ncrvous difeafes and inward ?? and a tri.l wvilil prove tilisl Iadh. 'J his whol]omne and frit Italcf;St, t;dieri irl the plawc (if Ahatic Tcas, willtore- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wila A'thmas, or any complaint in the Lungs, may have their hedls and cheits elevated, which to thenm is cf- fential both for their comfort and ?? wiso are con. fined by Gout, Rheurmatifra, Lumbago, er any other painful complaints, the cafe with wvichl ...