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... Wine-street j Plymouth, G. Sim», Whimpie-street, FEMALE COMPLAINTS.. KEARSLEY'5 ORIGINAL WIDOW WELSH'S PILLS, so long unit justly celebrated for their pecu- i .ir vii tue» ill Ft, (it it it, Complaint*, and strongiy recoin- mended even by Members- of the ...


... LIVER COMPLAINTS.—Dr King's Dandelion and Quinine Liver Pills, without Mercury, remove all Liver and Stomach Complaints, Biliousnes, Headache, Sick- ness, Indigestion, Complaints 1234 HOLLOWAV'S OINTMENT AND Frr.r.s need only a single trial ...


... FITS.—EPILEPTIC IrITS OR FALLING SICKNESS.—A cert am method of cure haa been discovered for this distressing complaint by a physician who is d'siroua that all sufferers mty benefit from this providential discovery; it is never known to fail, and wili ...


... Frra.—EPILEPTIC FITS OR FALLING SICKNESS. A certain method of curc has been discovered for this distressing complaint by a physician, who is desirous that all sufferers may benefit from this providential dis- covery. It is never known to fail, and will ...


... gratitude that 1 write these liues, in older that sufferers from complaints similar to tg under which I have myself laboured since December, liues, in older that sufferers from complaints similar to under which I have myself laboured since December, 1 ...


... more than Diseases of the Chest UNDER THE AND PATRONAGE OF THE THE PRINCIPAL. QUEEN NotiiuTr. THE ONLY REAL CUltE WITHOUT INWARD MEDICINE IS KOftltlS norAIi DATtI rtABSKKS, for CouBh« Asthma, Hoarseness, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, Croup, Hooping ...


... clean in tion. 15474 HOLI.OWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS need only A single trial to make known their capabilities. outside sure ur inward inflammation-can Ion withstand the cooling, purifying, and heal- ing influences exerted by these twin Medicaments. Be the ...


... Heartburn, Pauls in the Head, Chest, Back, or Loin, Gravd and Btona, Liver Complaints, Palo or Sallow Complexion. Palpitation of tho Heart, Colic, Pimples, Piles (both outward ana inward), Eruptions, Loss of Appetite, Sickness, &c., &e., rapidly j -tumd by ...


... Ague Female Irregulari- Retention of Urine Asthma ties Scrofula, or Kings' Bilious Complaints Fevers of all kinds Evil BlotchesoutheSkin Fits Sore Throats Bowel Complaints Gout (Stone and Gravel Colics Fiead-ache jSecondarySymptoms Constipation of the ...


... —Self-Help. —In sickness it was a momentous matter to find a i easy, ready, an i re .ab.e reme. y f ,r .-iuward disifgurations and inward disorders unm these iiubtimabie preparations were 111a Ie kuown. *>'0 valid rued now be at a loss in successfully managing ...


... Ague Feraaie Irregularis Retention of Urine Asthma ties Scrofula, or Kinds' Bilious Complaints Fevers of all kinds Evil BlotcbesonlbeSkin Fits Sore Throats Bowel Complaints Gout Stone and Gravel Colics (lead-ache SecondarySymptoms Constipation of the Indigestion ...


... be obtained in CARDIFF, of Mr. HUGH IrD, Merchant. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. IFEARSLEY S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S AY. PILLS. so long and justly celebrated for their pecu. l,a' virtues in Female Complaints, and stronglv recommended e»eo by Members of the Faculty ...