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London Courier and Evening Gazette


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London Courier and Evening Gazette


... express his determination to pnnish the boy. On the following. the boy was observed to be unweil, and cou! dinner—he made no complaint then, however. Ona t nesday ‘morning he complained of having had no sle the night, and was a0 weak and ill that he could ...

ARMY COWTRACT*. Commivutriat Deparunent, Treasury Chambers, Feb. }, ISSI. VTOTICE is hereby given to all ..

... Vicinities. HOOPING COUGH CURED, without inward Medicine.—Man; tliousnuds of cbildren are cured annually the use of EMBROCATION: .m tkelrst attack, an namediate application the remedy srill prevent the complaint t&kinrany hold the ceustilutioH, few times ...


... article. u COUGH CURED, without inward Medicine. —Many thousands of children are cured annuaily by the use of ROCHE’S EMBROCATION3; on the first attack, an im- mediate application of the remedy will prevent the complaint taking any hold ef the constitution ...

rijflTtfi. Hit I«ih inst. hI iin Halt, Ncrfulk, lady of C. B. Cotit)n» J Vt, the ..

... lcwstl cessi improper practices, fuiitling 6t«, violent hre.ri art*, that hare acqeircd superior thei'-treotmeut complaints of the lungs, inward wastings,trembling shak- . and care, Ins'.tgst and rrcnil cotes ofinfertinr, per.erl ing of the hands or limbs ...

DESIRABLE RECTORY, Oxfordshire, with a prospect early possession—By Mr. WUXI AM STANTON, the Auction Matt, ..

... growth of the hotly, and they prove fatal, ending in consumption or decay, itoth as preventative and cure these alarming complaints, tile above oaccelioiit medicine universally allowed the of die highest cnaractew in this Coun* try, both in rank and r ...

«rv. 5. ttnrnsii Jr. UCALTII and Interest of ». Valuable ADVOWSON, SHROPSIIIRF.—Tobe SOLD i «f ..

... ,,,, Weakness of Depression ot' Sni ■ I acres, lying contiguous thereto; together with the tithes of w indy and Bilious Complaints. it- o-.,. ! certain lands within the I'artsh aforesaid, well V crv Lift stage of the above maladies have ascertained. ...


... Jones, Berbice; Forth, Elum, Gibraltar ; Vrow Anna, Langhite, Isabella, Jonés, Pillau. Wind Holyhead, W.S. W.—Off Holyhead, inward bound—The Tri- St. Vincgats Ty Newport. Off Voel srg rd bound—The Emily, Ceara; Duncan, Bombay. rRpOM LLoYn’ ...

P • WFI O,tu NANCE. F.b.28. 1817. l lnCl Pi Q/fi™'>/Hi* Mnjrsly Ordnance Office in ol,cc ; wdlU receivednt their

... probing the cause of their discontents the bottom. {Hear,hcnr.J Perhaps there were those who might think that the causes complaint were mistaken and erroneous ; others might object to psrticu.tlar modes bf relief; but he supposed that all would agree in ...

VOYAt ACADEMY LECTURES. , POLICE. Mr. Carlisle delivered on Monday evening last his How-street,-*-FiKe at ..

... applied to i, is composed the body of the bone and the neck, conductor die Bow-street that ourwhich is small part projecting inward, in obtuse hood, who wertt and searched I urnbuji house an oun angle the top the bone, and which it iscor.itccad pocket-book ...

druhy-lane theatre

... Ins skid, and were most subdued by Lis energies. Under a fierce and item exterior, the glimpses whieh he afforded us ot his inward trouble, pourtrayed in frightful colours the chaos a tempestuous and deeply labouring mind. Anxietyembarrassment —feverish ...


... used and recommended f of Hie i'.i ulty for Nervous Complaints and broken Constitutions Tremblings, tVeblmess, ss ot Spiiits, Iniintings, Spain's, horrors of the Mind, palpitation the Heart, inward and Weakness both Sects (from whatever cause arising) ...


... respect | to a to the complaints which had been so ably and well put forward | acte by the Hon. Gentleman, he had only to observe, that the Prus- | bad sian shipowner might, upon much bettergrounds, prefer similar | per complaints. in the observations ...