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South Wales Daily News



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South Wales Daily News


... faitbfufly, SOUTHALL BROTHER ■> & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive- ness Giddiness, Heartburn, Pain in the Head, Chest, Back, or Loins Gravel and Stone, Liver Complaints, Pale or Sallow Compiexion, Palpitation of the Heart ...


... that they an prepared from the very best Dlu. We are, delr S rs, outs faithfully, SOL-THAt-L BKOTHER & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive- ness, G.duiness, Heartburn, Pain in the Head, Chest, Baek, or Lo ns Gravei and ...


... Bilious Complaints, Indigestion. Wind or. Flatulence, Costive ness, G doineas, Heartburn, Pain in the tit-ad, i hest, bick, or Lo ...


... faithfully, SOUTHALL BROTHER & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive ness Giddiness, Heartburn, Pain in the Head, Chest, Back, or Lo ns. Gravel and Stone, L'ver Complaints, Pale or Sallow Compiexioti, Palpitation of the ...


... faithfully, SOUTHALL BKOTHER & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indi gestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive ness, G;ddineis, Heartburn, Pain in the Head, Chest, Bacl;, or Loins. Gravel and Stone, Irver Complaints, Pale or fallow Complexion, Palpitation of the ...


... instant and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, Wt.en neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILus a trial, and they will act like Magic. The most violent Cough will ...


... and comfort to those sfHieted with I he above distrets:nk' and, ween fttrlect4(i dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the abeve complaints give BEKCBAto'U COUGH PILUt trial, and they will act like Magic. The most violent Cough will ...


... faithfully, SOUTHALL BROTHER, & BARCLAY Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Wind or Flatulence, Costive ness, Giddiness, Heartburn, Fain in the Head, Chest, Back, or Loins, Gravel and Stone, Liver Complaints, Pale or Sallow Complexion, Palpitation of thG ...


... DAVIES'S (Owmavon) TOXIC, APERIENT, A;\D LIVER PiLLS, are a must efliuunt runway or persons •uSerir^irom indigc.tioo, liver complaint-J, costive- Boss, sickness, wind in the rtompjh, lou-nees of spirits, singim? noises i«* the ears, nervousness, palpitation ...


... reLef aud comfort to those afflicted with, be above distressing and, w, en neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILus a trial, and they will act like Magic. The most violent Cough will ...


... ef and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, waen neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troublen with any of the above complaints give BEIWHAWS COUGH PILufe a trial, and they will act like Magic. The roost violent Cough will ...


... and cumlort to those afflicted with the. above distressing aad, wt.ev neglected, dangerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of theabeve complaints give BEtCHAta'S COUGH FILLS a trial, and they wfll act like Magic. The most vioiSnt Cough will ...