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COURT of KING'S BENCH, Tuesday, Nov. 26

... iatninediate trial. L I ordered copies of the indictment against the h. Lo' L!e deljveted to them, at the sitting of the Court ,C iran they Will ie called onl to plead. H__dls arat, question, Sir Arthur Pigott, and somle 3l( tevr . in Eng -land and this country ...


... same mo- ti merit it~ was his intention, aned be might declare it in ti court, to commute that sentence to imprisoniment or iran. 01i sportatio'n. Under the new, act, the sentence of. death g~ must be reorde-d against al ersons conviruted of capital 01 ...


... nature pointed out Would acquire similar advitsgea for at tbisqort. Thedeasoure teas sopporitsi byzMr. torsfallI soni Mr. Irans, Mr,' LWtiledale, atd dtfiersppob the broad and principle of public benefit, both e. 'ihe~commrce of the Iplit town, and to ...


... beets mnd proved. SI He H-is Lordship immneciaiely said he wrould ctrtify in the former p ties action, so that thle plaintiff Iran to pay tie sins costs, (except ai her half-a-crown, which his thanrages trill carry ;) and in tire tatter cm Intl case, tire ...

Lancaster Lent Assizes

... simply for receiving, at an'd having ini their kieepin-g, a body for the purpose of alissec. a -d, ?? o, IIenowring tirat st Iran been unlawfully disinterred. It ivas 'ots uirertenl ts keel) these two charges qasite distinct in their mintds. t fo r'le should ...


... time b-tota eli stts'ait iior o hu. to il ifli ha berass te what Itoe iaaa wit goog odabe outI iar klitliit eflie sasd thi. iran scas the l~~ne lie told me Slits, a eryt iia indeed. Crose-exnesiicel. I tuin a dtiy tisii'e. I thiok tie ioqisest ivas teld ...

Lancaster Summer Assizes

... frnsrils oil tire Lnrnreaislrirtc Srie, wvas, tirut tire tvater, biscrg irremvirted fror il ovviwr ii it, accustolrren cirrrirel, Iran mailrre its iy ov uer tire is irrsms rtrle Chesireo,l' Side, wivrci %vai riot JirreviUsly iierfne to inI' ,rrtlione, arid irad ...


... in his defeirce entered in a long stratcment of his ac- quaintance with .Bayley and urged the latter to acknowledge. like a Iran that he was the thief. Instead of doing so, however, Bayley when called on for his defence imputed the crime to his fellow ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... questron; Clint they left a little after idi 00' nine o'clock, and proceeded towards Asliton Worrall's houe, Ti c5where lie iran going to remain all night; that theyi Crossed sumt- er, fields, and came to a plots called -The. Street,, where he saw T ...


... Place by stre~s of weather, or oilier valini cause, ant, i, r doing so, acteri with renuired skill. and judtgment. tiren titere Iran been no deviatilonr, aid tireo plaintif'wes, entitled to recover; but, if tire captain lead gone. to another place than that ...


... this rose are notlieetat the time orfhisceammitmerrit Itewas proserbywritnaesses sird also by Ihis orn confession, tiet lire Iran taiten tsso lialf'contrrs frorn tire prosoeutor's pockets, swhich he speist in drirrkisrg, arid efterwardis, a handfrul of'silver ...