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Morning Chronicle




London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Sweet -i, 'lir Accompaid on the ii :;bi y Mr. Wcirh li.-Reeit. Mir. Brahi'a, 'ITheir rights by7 foes invadcd,' ana Air. ' To arms, your cou-ntry's caule reniainin.' Eud of Part I. Gyrowez's Gri';6 D-ioneertante for iolin:, Flute, Ohoc, iemonfoon, and V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... containingnine hundred and fixty acres,within three miles of Winchefter, on the ?? n:ptoun ?? ?. BABRIDGF ani BL.ACKDOWN 1'ARMS, centtainisug 672 acres, within five -miles of Wits chefter, on the Walthamn, Gofport and Portfmosith roads. -lot 3.C'AM FARM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Collins, at 'rwyford, near Winchefter; Mr, P C pllins, printer, Salifbury; Dolphin, Southampton; Fountain, I 3'ortrmouth; * idia Arms, Gofport; Swan, Alton; Bul', Farn- iirnt; Crown, Bafingflole; Place of Sale; of Meifrs. Brays, fo- ?? s, Great Ruffell-ftreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rarticlc3 iII ?? be viewed and catalogues had on the Prensifes; alto at the White Hart, St. Alban's; Abercorn. Arms, Staninore; Effcx Arms, Watford; and of Meffrs. Skiner and Dylce, Alderigate-flreet. A IES.Pr P Ito ?? E sA.;5,ltl& tTHENS llRE and CA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... near Pembroke;Hotel, Miltord; Mr. Richard Foley, Attorney at Lawv, HlaverfordweRf; 5 Angel, Cardigan- White Lion, Tenhy- Blue Boar, Narbeth and St. Clair; King's Arms, Caermiarthen; Bear, Landilo; Cnitle, Llandovery ; Loritfcllowvs, Brecon; Buln, Swanrea; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofMeadow, B, Faftture, and Arable I-and, and Orchardiog; with good P'arm.- *Sa 1-loufcs, cbrovenienta Barns, Stabling, and other Outbhuilding s, - now on Leafe to Mr. Samuel Pyle dia Mr. John Mvartin, at Nett Rents, an'otnting to One H-undred and Fifry-cight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 9th Match. JOHN PULLEN, Sec. LEAD MINiiES, in S(OIXTH WALES. T'O be LET, for a Terns, of 21 years, or three XI vesi the LEAD MINES of LLANDEWY BREVY, in the county of Cardigan.-For furthcr Particulars apply to Mr.Roebucik, No.c 4;John-Ltrcet, AdcIphi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tlse.~eaeoek, _)Bofton; Whlite-hartSado;.od Pcterborough; 'I Nw. ~bomb, printer, Stailnforrd; of MeEa~ MVacetb ienad Cair, John-utreet, Bedford-row; at tht place offale; ued- of meffms .~cnnr vleanC. Aldrst-IrCee. LizicvsriEitasmit.-By: Meffrs. 5X4N- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Reses,jun' i Tearrto vyiom~ puinted 'bcrwv of artculrs aybe ad ?? atimay ofLate, Abicryltvc'ith;- at'fi A~tPn~cl, Cardigan ; King' Arms, !and :el Carniarthtn; fletr, Liaudilo- 6 aftik,, Liandovery ; Lonag- f cular lee fedl~ws, Bre~on;~161 ?? Anzgl, ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of whlorn printed parjyiculrs may he had alfo of' Mr. Williams, Attorney at on - Law, Aberyftwvitl! ; at the Angel, Cardigan ;Kifsg~s Arms,, Li Carimarthcren; Bear, Llandilo ; Catlie, Llando~very ;Long- ?? fillb(-e, L'recown, T ufl, Swanfea.; Bear, Cowbridge; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tanlield-court, in the Temple, with fireplaces in cael, a convenient citchben, ofilces, and gnod ccllrfi, %n tlic piffeffion of John Lee, RNi. at -a low rent of 6f1.i- per ar:lirn. Ihe premifes.are in poodesp-airscx- ?? w,ll flitlited for a Gcnednr-an of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whonm printed T partiiudar~- may h le had., alfo of Mr ViWillianms, Attornevy at Law, -Aberyftwith;-at the Angel, Cardigan; King's Arms, d Carmarthen,; 'Bear, Llandila-, Caftic, Llandovery, -Loig. * fellows, Bree n; Bulb, Svianfea; Bear, Cow&ridge; Angel ...