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Launceston Weekly News, and Cornwall & Devon Advertiser.




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Launceston Weekly News, and Cornwall & Devon Advertiser.


... the exception of poor Mr. Hay ter, •who baa dined, and is but too happy to snatch a five minutes’ tempor.ry oblivion in the arms of Morpheas from the fatiguing dut of a pper-in, or of Mr. Wilson, who deep down many fathom statistic tl calculation; tho ...


... THE RURNOPFIELD MURDER. Fri.lay morning being fi«.l of John Cam and Rid,nnl Ravne. the two men charged with the murder of Mr. liobert Stirling, surgeon, Burnopflehl, on the Ist of November last, the court was densely crowded in every part by persons ...

epitome ot W eteg, & ffiomcstw

... nrany others. * . The Earl of Cardigan and Mr. Sturt, M.P., arrived on last at Gaimsheil, their shooting quarters iu Scotland, from London Mr. Disraeli staying at Spa. , learn telegraph from Troy, July 30, that the steamer John Jay was burned on the 29th ...


... then. He could hear nothing of them, only he found one boy who said he had seen Lane going towards lowa with cannon under bis arm. They stayed about two hours, but found no one. Donaldson tried read something in the street that appeared to be proclamation ...


... ought. There has been a little passage arms between Lord Cardigan and Mr. Buck, M.P. The latter, gentleman—although Conservative—it appears spoke disrespectfully of the Leeds speech of the former. Lord Cardigan, in his haste, wrote to Mr. Back the subject ...

ißpitome of Netos, ,iFoieisn & J3O

... Netos, ,iFoieisn & The fog in London on Tuesday night was . known for some years. 'at hm y Sir John has at length annonneen on- • trar of the Conrt of Arches that h» i i° mu,lv h) the „ . judgment)in the suit of Wes v dn, his Saturday next, the 20th ...


... this time last year. The Public announced for the week consist principally of Bengal, Mauritius, and Penang. Prices are not so Arm as few days back, and rule (or Mauritius, block at 39s to 42s low to flno brown 43s 48s, yellow Gd to 52s 6d, grainy 51s to ...


... year. Tub Mayo Election Petition.—At the Mayo assize?, Castlebar, two of the prisoners, John Murphy and Michael Carney, were convicted of a riot and assault upon John Gannon, one of Colonel Higgin’s witnesses the Mayo election petition. From the evidence ...

St)e Court, src

... were attended the Earl of Cardigan, Lord Rokebv, Col. i' H. Seymour. Lieut -CoL Ponsonby, Lord Uaglan, and a numerous staff of general officers. The four state bands played God save the Queen, and the troops presented arms on the arrival of the illustrious ...


... companion of Lord Palmerston. I saw him, some years ago, come to one of Gavazzi’s, Italian Protestant preacher, lectures arm-in-arm with the then and present premier; therefore his presence in Italy, which ho once regarded as his country, is not without ...

Dr ocu losdos connKSPO.NDEST

... taxation that made spade twice dear in France as in England. It was, doubt, to meet this fear of some deep trick on tho part of John Bull that the Emperor inserted the clauses by which we bind ourselves not to impose an export duty on coal and iron. These ...

Smtomeof Netos

... Wednesday. is proposed construct a line of railway from the intended Manchester and Milford Railway, new Kewmtle-Emlyn, to Cardigan, Newport, Fishguard, and Milford. The line would forty miles m length, and cost about £lO,OOO per mile. students of Kingsbridge ...