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GRAND DINNER AT MORRIS3PN’S. St. Bridget's society. Prom the Dublin Morning Post. Monday upwards of four ..

... complimentary pcecii proposed the health of Henry Grattan.— tie dwelt upon the services of the late Henry Grattan, that had accomplished Ireland’s independence in 1782. was the father of that living Henry Grattan, who had now claims on Ireland (cheers.) Mr ...


... K. James, Bari., Thomas Abbott, Sir Edmund Nugent, Knt., William Hodges, Lewis Morgan.—Hickman Kerney, John George, Brent Neville, Robert White, John Alley, Henry Bunn, Patrick Flood, James Chambers, William P. Lunell, George F. Brooke, William C. Culvillc ...


... Messrs. Brownlow, O’Connell, Sheil, Wyse, M. O'Coiiuell, Bodkin. OTerrall, G rattan, Power, Lender, Clements, Sir John Rfilley Hoyle, Sir John Buike, Messrs. Lambert, Fitigihbon, Walker, Ruthven, French, A. Dawson, &c. They resolved to interview with Mr ...

eljf iSvayllfia Journal

... made Mr. Grattan, which refl *ct (lie comlii t lit. laic Grand Jury of this county, of which was foreman, in which observations personal reference made me, to come forwaid and explain the real facts the case. I do liad fitn!l with Air. Grattan for having ...


... better 'ale for free Foreign \Vneat, and most instances advance of from to'2s last weeks currency was realised. Oat--met a Arm trade for such are good, but unsweel parcels arc dull disposal. In the Flour tra.le dullness still prevails. Wheat, 60s to 30s ...


... and so leave the matter to your judgment and to the judgment of God. 1 icadin the Gospel of St. John the Baptist, and indeed in all the four Gospels, that John spoke those words :—“ indeed baptise you with water, hut you shall be baptised with the Holy Ghost ...


... head, and not a particle of clo ithing. was recognised by the want of the tight arm, which he lost in the taking of N:w York, in the year 1770, and a scar on the left arm. His remains were biought in a cart tjn Holyhead, and deposited in the bonehouse ...

m)t iacoyijfiia SouvnaL

... Esq., L. C. Smith, Suagboro’, Esq., John Oaanon E-.q. Messrs Mahers, Logans, Langans, Lynchs, R er- Messis. Leonard P.P., Burke' P.P., Tute, O’Donagh, O’Connor, Richards, See. &c. About o'clock Thomas Steele Esq. armed from Dublin in coach and four—he was ...


... After the writ had been read, the Sheriff then called upon the electors to {rut their candidates in nomination. On which Mr. John Power rose* and was received with loud cheers. Mr. Power said had the high honour, on this occasion, to propose Daniel O’Connell ...


... and they know that such opposition mii't be repelled. Their object is disunion ; but not deceived by names ; disunion, by armed force, is treason. Arc you really ready incur its guilt ? If you are, the heads the instigators the art the dreadful consequencesou ...

fTijf Sirogftuiia Journals

... not unworthy ofbeing noticed. O.i his arrival he had repaired to the fall, having ihe bridle of his horse twisted round his arm. While was stooping to look down, rattlesnake stiired among the iicighboniing bushes, the horse was staitled, reared, and tan ...


... F Galway, J M Eord A Hill. Lore! M Howard, R Jones, T . Xeane, Sir R Lamb, Hon G Lefroy,DrT Martin, John Marlin, Thos B Maxwell, Henry Maxwell, John Meynell, Capt O’Callaghan, Hon O’Grady, Hon Col QxmaiUown, Lord Perceval, Col Stawell, Col Shaw, Stewart ...