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Glamorgan, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... Portishoad, to meet the steamers for Purther information may be obtained by applying at the Com. pany's Office, Pier Head. JOHN ROWE, Goods Teafle Ianager. October, 180. * 433 DIRECT, OCTOBER, 1870. THE CARDIFF AND PORTISHEAD STEAM SHIP C0:3 STEAMERS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heldindet an ndeleas raned y M. ?? to Mr. John a Jot ?? the trSHOf, 89 Wears, rom he 25t Sepemer PRU 4 at niaew in ajilg the Keilaino isses Arms andhN. Emery, anld hneld by thmudra ndrlease granted by ?? r ?? Mr. John Joyce 'ooatr, ef M.14 11year in yeses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vicarage, Cardit W: . G. U 3Ut Witkins, ERqa, Provisicial Banking Corporation, Cardlff; Rov. ry John Griflith, tile RHctory, Merthyr Tyfitli; the Rev. John - '0 Griffiths, time Rectory, Nentit; the Right Hon. IL. A. Brses, ?? l Dihltyn, Aberdare; lev. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lot 2. All that SHXOP, DWE~ltG-EUOSE, and PREMIES situate and ied~oliningtbo 1Cnws Arms, High-street, held sneder a lease granted by the tto MIr. ?? oars to 31r. John lopee for the residue of a torm cf 99 years tromn the 2nd day of April, 1860, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COe- pany's Offile, Pier Read. JOHN ROWE, Goods Tramslo Manager. Octobar, 1870. 468 BRISTOL AND CARDIFF DRECT, Ag~ib OCTOBER, 1870, THRI CARDIFF AND PORTISHEAD STEAM SHIP CO:.S SAMERS, TAFF AND WYE GEO. DANWo, Master, JOHN LIOeD, Maste, (Or other suitable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Mr. John Joycc for term of 99 years, from tho 25th September, lS6i, at the lowf yearly gronncd-ront of Di, and which said premises are now ill theo Occcpation of Misses J. and E. Emery, and held by them under acm nlder-lcaso gracted by Mr. John Joyce ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at Ponitood, near Cardigan. About 100 head of livo stoek, and a quantit7 of farm implomonts will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION en the eourse of the coming month, Fbirthor partioelars will appear in faturo insertions. Cnstlo-green, Cardigan, Oct. 24, 1870. 738 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c Clive-street, now in the occupation of John Eddwards, at a weekly : rent of Ss., sunject to a ground rent of £2 4s. per annum. The-whole of the above property is held under indentures of snder-leases from John Hemingway, Esq., for 99 years, from 2nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Olive-street, ecose in ?? occespatloet of John Edwards, at a weeokly I recct of 5e., suinjeot to a gountd root of £2 4s. per anenuos. The whole of tics above property us held under icedentures of tl ?? from John Hemingsway, Esq., far 99 'years, from lied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pontoosl, near Cardigan. About 100 head of live stock, cusd a quantity' of farm implements will be SOLID by PVBLIC AUCTION in the course of this coming month, Fisrther partiemuiase will apnenr icc Suataq insertions. Cafltle-green, Cardigan, Oct. 24, 1870 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nov. 21 9111. THOMASW GRIFFITHIS. i Farmling Stork, at pentoosi, noise Cardigan ?? Nov. 21. t 1,miESSRS. LAWRENCE AND CO. fis1 Drapcry and other soeds, at Cardiff ?? Nov. S en 4HR. JOHN M. LUEDER. ta Ilonsoellohl Furnviiture, &,ts, at Clynowood. Villas, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Howell, the Vicarage, Cardi: W. B. .b Watkins, Esq., Provincial Banking Cornoration, Cardiff; Rov. John Grifflth the Rectory, Merthyr Tydfll; the bov. John Griiths, tse IAeotory, Neath - the Right Ron. HI. A. Bruce, M.P., Tlffryn, eo brdare; Rev. Samuel ...