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... ions for 7) (40 i a felw ‘For ve patlage apply to WAINWRIGHT, HOWAR For NEW YORK. and ‘LONDON The. . American: Shi HOP JOHN RUSSEL, .M Burthea 200 remarkably fat, for paflengecs ; et of: her ¢a has jed, will fail in a Tew days, For paffage ap pty to ea ...

partnerthip heretofore ba between Joba Thomas Bottomley of Liv erpopl, a Pe, ander the . rm of Bor oar Wolved

... late pertnerthip, «nd hopes to-be molt} on fuch terms a. to merit a continuance of their patropage. UNDLAND, corge For St. JOHN’s, NEWPO ice of The Brig _EN T KPRIZ Wilt fai) in 10 days. Fo- to th on board, in the Salthoule ot to July 18. - V. ASHFI court ...

The Americam Ship ADRKASIL bos SAMUEL JA M mer, ne Barthen ‘goo tops, ftgnds | ailing vefiel, only on ber

... faid veffel’s confitting OaX, Pin pre. Birch and Beech Logs, Lathwaad, Staves, &e. N B..One For NEW YORK, The Ship i P €E, JOHN RUSSEL, Maller, Pe Fa Rurthca a remarkable fat failing will Gil about the 10th October. For freight or patlage a; qhe Captain om ...


... | ass For freight o¢ pafla im the Quccn’s Dock, of to ply te tie Captain od . RATHBONE and = The A merican Ship THOMA the. JOHN. HOLLAND, * * For freight or paffage apply ' sa for pw a ‘a:Dock, or to Captain ga boards in the RATHBONE and BENS lh ey - ...

A. “= Yor. The American, Sh FRIEND SH ~ TOM, Matter, F Barthen 400 tons, a gomplese vefiel, fails fal

... confifting of Oaks fun ha ple, Birch and Beech Logs, Latiiwood, Staves, &e.. NOB. One Property. For NEW YORK, Shi H E JOHN RUSSEL, ‘Malter; _Barthen 209 tons, remarkable falt failing swill (alin a few days. For freight or paflage app'y tot y en's Dovk ...

ad JACOB FLEVCHER, Mafler, Mounts ten 6-puunders, with men anfwera JOSEPH BI “Apply te matter, of to For ..

... tard cargn, of Oak, Fin ple, Birch and Beech Logs, Lathwood, Staves, dc. N Be One Property. For NEW YORK, The H PE Ship’ JOHN RUSSEL, Mafle:, Burthen 200° tons, a remarkable will fallin a few dave. For freight or paflage apply to ah tain on board, to the ...


... SALE, Prime SALTED and DRY HIDES. DRY Sfaniim HIDES, SALTED HIDES, And Quantity NawtooNOtAMo SEAL SKINS. _ Apply to WUXIAM RUSSELL, Campbell-ftrect, Duke-ftrect. ON SALE. A Jew Mhdt. fine latsn GLUE, BLUE GALLS, Smoam* VaLONIA, Ambbicaw And PARIS WHITE ...

- * Tor SEW YORK, I IV' -tfc A J A#» Burthen tori, h»» got»d paircnger% F«

... failing fl*ip- For freight, Itc. apply Capt. Whitney on bowed, in the QueenV Dock, JOHN and ADAM LODGE. W doVro n, . . The weU-kiHrtrß fad failinf A men Shift PACKKT, John TrotT, Mailer, iturthcn per regifter >B7 toil*, mounts.x 6 gum, 6-poundtrs, with ...


... aforelaid, in the holding of John Fiall, Lot 6. 300 Oak ‘Trees, 33 Ath ‘Trees, and g Elms, gr upon Hankclow Hall EQate, ncar Audlem, To be SOLD bv AUCTION, (Unlefs previoufly difpofed of by Private Trea en Wea At the Globe ‘Vavern, in John-fireet, in Li clock ...

—_________ n-the Jage Jothua formerly Smithdew n-la ina hear | ry f | pool, are to being m an net

... Manriza WINE. And IRON HOOPS, for Bxportation, At the Manufacturers Prices, Credits or Difcounts. rly P cag Apply to WILLIAM RUSSELL, Gampbell-ftreet, Duke-f nm, xc LEFD8 and LIVERPOOL CANAL NAVIGATION. OTICE is here “given that at an journed or fpecial Live ...

= — a For Americin Ship DIAN Ay pay a Barca: 400 tons, bes good accomtnodutions for freight or patlage

... Shr ok ‘The American BE rseE hy JOHN DRY i, tv. Seer carry 35 otons, of an‘eafy dratt of water. well ‘ound, avd here and is adapted for any trade w Apply to R.and “Po be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Good Coppered Ship JOHN and SAR es per regifter £83 tons ...

you Bel\ in de ov every at two oe L hours, to the wiih Necks, y and DALLOON 4.4 me

... and DEER SK \ ofl ALLUM, WwW ot tags e WINE. And IRON HOOPS, for Exportation, atthe Prices, Credits or Difcounts. psto a me RUSSELL, Duke eee UG oO OSALE, and in Pipes and ithds. tain Dry Jamaica and HIDI A iy Prime Writer ALD M1, ve Trunks BOOUS SHOE Ss ...