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A F.ift, it is faid,

... se'ennight at Graystock, Mr. John Hammond, mason at Hutton Roof, to Miss Judge Advocate Gen. of Bengal, to Miss Johanna Maria Murray of Jamaica. Died.] Alexander Kincaid, Esq. his Majesty's printer and bookseller for Scotland.---Sir John Murray, Bart.---Sir Charles ...

Lai week ve.Tel fail

... Atkinson of Sella-field, to Miss Sally Russel of Longrigg-geen.---A few days ago, at Kirkoswald, by the Rev. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Philip Wilson, Surgeon of that place, to Miss Jane Thornthwaite.---Sunday, at the same place, Mr. John Carlton, to Miss Ion.---Last week ...


... 1 have here and have the opportunity of oting your truly valuable Corn Salve* and not try it, deftrve to limp through life. JOHN BARROW, Auguft 3d, I???* Wine Merchant, Lancaffet. Sold by J. Ware and Son, Whitehaven j S. Campbell, Carliflc j W. Penning'on ...


... Fanny, Mary- Port. Open-boat, Young, Ifte Man. 21. Eleanor, Connick, Wexford. John and Mary, Cain Hagle-pacquer, Maxwell, of Mann. Juno, Allonby, Milford, ifabeila, Filhcr; John and Betty,; Bielling, Curwen: 'i hennas, Weftray ; Wilfon, Ton Mary ...

rope, on every fubjeft diftufllon that might arife. it known to all whom it may concern, that we being met

... Whole, every intereiting 1 ranfaition the Annals the Britilh Empire, for the Space of Two T nous d x ' «. By WILLIAM AUGUSTUS RUSSEL, Low don : Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, in Patcr-oofte Row and fold by all Bookfcliers and News-carriers in Great Britain ...


... NOTICE WMEREAS John Kendal Griz-dale, in the ! J twldhcad, -n the County of Cancaller, Dealer in Cattle, did the 2?:h day December, 1778, his Eft’-Cls to John Russel of Fntceforge, and caste* Lowrnofs, hith near in the laid County, Gentlemen, fur the ...


... Perrons : int the W ole, every interefting Tranfactio in Annals of the Britifh Empire, for the Space h uia!■ Years. By AUGUSTUS RUSSEL, Eiq : Printed for J. Cooke, at No. 17, in Paoernofin-Rowj and fold all nookfellers and News-carriers in Butain and Ireland ...

On Mr.w and Manners j

... forming ajree.ib'e Manners* than any Work in our own* or perhaps any other Language* if O E . N K» Custom-house WhitehaveK JOHN BUCKHAM begs Leave inform the Pubii«: y that has fitted the GEOKGE-INN in elegant and convtrnient Manner, for the Reception ...

Deaths. The 20th ult

... at Lancaster, Mr. Robert Russell, merchant; in him society has sustained a real loss, for he was an affectionate husband, a sincere friend, and an honest man.*A few days ago in the prime of life, Mrs. Pattison, wife of Mr. John Pattison of Whitrigg, in ...

Marriages. Saturday

... Jackson of Workington.*Last week, Mr. Fisher, Saddler, (foreman to Messrs. Fisher & Bragg) to Miss Russell of Gosforth.*Yesterday at the Old Church, Mr. John Swan, inn keeper in King-street, to Miss Little of Carlisle.*Thursday se'ennight, Mr. Thomas Watson ...

MARRIAGES. Friday la

... Allonby, Capt. Henry Piper of the ship Unity, of this port, to Miss Beeby, daughter of Mr. John Beeby, of Allonby.*Sunday last, at St. Nicholas's chapel, Mr. John Russel, cabinet-maker in Workington, to Miss Margaret Piper, daughter of Mr. Martin Piper of ...