... WOBURN., Perry Sessions, Decemßer 19, — Present: Lord C. J. F. Russell ; Rev. E, O. Smith; W, D. C. Cooper, and R. T. Gilpin, Esqs. Thomas Giles, labourer, surrendered himself, (having been out on bail,) to answer a charge of night poaching on the estate ...


... FACTS AND SCRAPS. Lorp Joun Russerr axp tHe Rovar Sumsmovns,—\lany have supposed that Lord John Russell foresaw the precise time of his being “ sent for” by the Queen: o correspondent, whom we ean trust, shows that the foresight did not exist—the summons ...

Beprorp Boarp or call the attention of the the various Unions in bility of having thcir would afford great intere

... James Graham, a very impudently, but, locking them up. They teen days to the House o WOrL Perry Sessions, D Lord C. J. F. Russell ; 1 C. Cooper, ln_n_d R.T. Gil Thon'ms Giles, laboure (having been out on bail might poaching on the est; at the parish of ...


... of office ; but, on that day, & new and unexpected turn was given to the state of affairs, by the announcement that Lord John Russell had definitively abandoned the task of forming an Administration, Sir Robert Peel consequently consented to remain in office ...


... lWildkhxmn, Esq., of Morra Hill, in the county of Westmoreland, On the 17th instant, at Woburn, Mary, widow of the late Mr. John Spencer Devey, auctioneer, of that town, &0n the 6th instant, utJGreen Hays, Manchestor, in® the 77th year of her age, Mrs ...

existence the continuance of the system under which we have been forced. Such, however, has pot been the case. It

... and laughter). Much has been said about the opinions of Lord John Russell npon l{m Corn Laws, but he held very different opinions in 1832. [Mr. Pain then read extracts from Lord John Russell’'s address, wherein he opposed the doctrines of free trade.] ...

M measure. This, I think, is a prool that I did at once decidedly wish to act up to your

... average really been exceeded, but in many instanees has not been unobtainable; though the Anti-Corn Law League and Lord John Russell would make the con T believe that 745. was now the average prw and this T am quite disposed to say, that I shall oppose ...

existence the contin which we have been pot been the case. Ith in my opinion, the wi afford encouragement native

... count represent us as we w us to the plan sugg (hear, hear, and la about the opinions Corn Laws, but he 1832. [Mr. Pain John Russell’s add doctrines of free t we have something noble lord’s address. of things that wou Trade being adopte arrived at that ...

proved. The League have tried to break up our ranks—they have endeavoured to put us in discord —they have held

... supported your interests by withholding my consent to the proposals to alter the corn laws. 1 disapprove of the plan of Lord John Russell for a fixed duty of Bs. on wheat and other grain in proportion. lam not less alarmed at Sir Robert Peel's obstinate refusal ...


... Sarah Mallows.. John Hart, farmer, Hawnes. Jane Constant .. Henry Sear, hairdresser, Bedford. APPRENTICE PREMIUMS. The following boys and girls drew lots successfully for the apprentice fees:— Boys.— Frederick J. Warnes, Newnham-street ; John Wharton, Castle-lane ...


... own s on 1o Dorders', und the money passed between them, Russell did not say how he came by the coat Willinm Borders deposed that on Saturday, 18th December, he was ut a public house kept by John Lock. Prisoner and the lnst witness were both there, When ...