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Advertisements & Notices

... Mafon v ve-ier John Wm. Lewis Mell- PI Godlre;f Auguftus Burger mar.n - Edmund EBurke Francis Neubauer b Catharine I1. T. Pemnant, L L. D. . The Marquis de Con- F.R.S. &c. dorcet Staniflaus - Auguftus, T Daniel Dancer . King of Poland Sir John Dryden, Baft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISLE Of WIGHT, AND ALL PLACES ag ADJACENT. I. - . blrctiaE, a , 91 i799. Wt' ILLIAM TUFNB-R;-(Af~gnee, to ps~ Y TH}OMAS RUSSELL,'CarRlsait) is'bnder - the neceffity of informing-his Friends and the Public, that the very exorbitant price of Horfe Provender ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Street, Town of Portsea, Hants, a Superannuated Boatswain in the Royal Navy, deceased; are desired to apply at the Office of Mr. JOHN RlCHARDS. Attorney at Law, Portsea, where they will hear of something to their advantage. DIMMOCK'S REGISTER OFFICE FOR SERVANTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Car. Sir R:i J- Stiachanj f e .-f Il-W.Hloughby . l hart. Pt- . B.:Alt . J P. Rince, Enq. . l _ 1arrifon Hon. Capt. John Murraf Dr. John White Captain Sir F. Laforey, 7 J., P. Maxwell, Efq. Bart. a Mrs. Maxwell Stephen Poyntz i Capt. W. Syme * D. lilne' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Horfes, and careful of Drivers. G OSPORT. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIEN, th The following FREEHOLD ESTATE, in feparate LOTS, By Mr. JOHN STEAD, ne On TmURSDAY, the 13th Day of March, sgoo, be- T. cvwce: the Mours of Six and Eight ?? in the afi BverinF, at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HASLAR, aoth of March, iSoo. ?? TUESDAY the i 8th inflant, -at Ten ?? O'Clock ih the Morning, Will be 'SOLO by ..&VcTr~sO, BY JOHN STEAD, 5eftral lots of BEbS and CLOTIAES, and &t*0 SILVER WATCHV, the proptrty of Patients who haewdiedinthis qofpital. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Capt. John Murray Dr. John White Captain Sir F. Laforey, J. ?? Maxwell, Efq. Bart. .Mrs. Maxwell Stephen Poyntz Capt: W. Symne D. Milne IRear-Adrn. 3\5acnamara - Geore Burlton I John King, El'q. Benjamin Stow, Efq. - tiamucl Hodgfon, Efq. Sir John Carter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... late of Abingdon, in the County of Berks, Efquire, deceafed, are, on or before the 6th Day of November next, to come in before John Simeon, Efq. one of the Mrfters of the faid Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chahcery Line, London, and thew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... imrnediateI v, in the above VV) Biancbea,-Two JOURNEYMEN.. Cood Workrnen vgili meee with cooftant Emnployment by ap- plying to John Lilck, .Waolvercor, Oxson. *\VANsTED,-~A YOUNG MAN. who .uder~tbrexs Waiting as Table, andl has fome. K~nowlodge o'F a Crllar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Z ,MACTIN BAR-RS I THOMA9''GWuzNNEeL, f*}WILLIAM HEARW.OOD, I SRO8:EaR.TBnOWN, ;i WILLIAM HOOPER, ; . . SAMSUEL CR'A'NE, . JOHN .TYMISJ; ;. . ; R'5CH.AED NASH',' - W5L-LA M!,YARRANITON79 R1C.H'ARD MOSLE r. o. Reyieved unanfimauJsy, Thiat the Th~an'de ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fubfcribes Ten Shillings and Sixpence towards the Town Plate. C FRANCIS GREGORY, Efq. _ GREY SKIPWlTH, Efq. Stewards. ' WILLIAM RUSSELL, Clerk of the Courfe. Ii l 2 ORDlNARIES AS USUAL. Balls on Ifiednefdayv and .Tberfday ) uenings. e TPUSLIC Br-EASeFASTS on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... br. g. Crcodile, by Tvbj, 3 Years old. Mr. Sadler's b. f. Mayfy, Sifter to Speicaators 3 Years old. Mr. T. Carr's ch. m. by John Bidl, 'ut of Stdrgazer, . Years old. Mr. Joddrell's b. h. MoaA'er CrPO) late vaaguard, 5 Years old. The SAME DAY, the NOBLEMEN ...