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... brother, or a husband. Pestilence carried off thousands of the poor people in the city', and many respectable ladies were killed by a shot and shell. under appalling circumstanica. Fire-wood was become' very' scarce ; coals were net to be bought ; 'and ...


... ceremonial of the 1st of May. The spacious central ball is at length freed from the debris that had gathered in it, and the scaffolding has been entirely taken awsay fromn thme grand entrance, which scores 'of busy hands are at present engaged in adorning ...


... Contrivers that Actiou ; upon which they were all three condemned to die. thfct had set Fire to the Cane was brought upon Scaffold erected for that purpose, and there pinch'd with red hot Tongs from the Morning till towards the Evening, which Time he was ...


... Worthington, boatman, who kicked his wife to death on board a canal beat. The next person who perished on the scaffold was Heap, a quack doctor, who killed a woman at Manchester whilst attempting to procure abortion. At the assizes held December last there were ...


... is sent to meet inevit:?ble death or its. mutilation by firing up the boiler, end forty-five persons bril rat; are actually killed, the result is all an accident, no one is the as, to blame, end the makers of the hollers are expressly corn- DII sad plisnented ...


... men have been injured, three very seriosly, by an accident at a gas tank being erected at Stockport. TheIF prop of the scaffolding on which they were at work fell I) throwing them 20 feet to the bottom of the reservoir. l On the anniversary of the shutting ...


... foundation (if alpaca or -lustre cloth, the must durable of all stuffs. Mr. J. Woelgar, builder, was killed ait Horsham on ?? thronig h a fall from the scaffold of a house. IAs many as 1170 people attended the Sunday Art I Exhibition at Skinner-street. Bisbopegate ...


... purpeses. A youth named George Cooper, aged l5, was killed by apassenger train at the Stockingford station of the Midland Railway on Tuesday.Rala '~'pote i te employ of the Midland Riw Company was killed on Tuesday ?? through 1 f alling from alift whilst ...


... shot, nor r is he a swordcnita'. You do non Otheectore mast on eqoal teams ; in fact, mansions', you wrould be ecrtiasi Lto kill yoas attsgoatict, if ho consented to light this *dclel, it1 duel there is to be, with a;,'ord or pistoli in thle * sustls luennor ...


... rpoverty bad now within their reach the means to _ 0 keep them comfortable all the rest of their lives. . They had only to kill the stranger, throw his body into the old well at the baok of tbe house, and the money would be theirs,.no-one being the wiser ...


... distrustful w- even of hi. sanity. Ilois was my own father, but en tis was 1'Mad l'rotheroe, ' too, the man who might 'GI have killed poor Macknees-who his step-daughter . thought had done so. uP 5ie was surnrised at my revelation, but he was not id visibly ...