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Advertisements & Notices

... 'I'he ltorse and Sinifoe. - rjd a d-iplicate plain irrression ef c'Q, forr-n'ngas rna: Iiy ov or as prints to colour. Me: 11. 'kill be publishied( on' the frs& of June, an l will in Bcautv and ?? 'be found equil at least to the presenit Numiber ; containidrg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii ge to the Clerk, and Two Shillin. s and Sixpence for 'Li eights. &c. and ail entries at the post to pay dioulsie. Nso Scaffolds, Tents, ,r Booths tobe crected without rermission of the Stewards, and these are to pay Five Shillings each towards future ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUNSFORD, Clerk. Oxford Caral Office, z4th ?? X8o 3. 111ansr of Fificld, 1erks. JHEREAS great Liberties, with Refpen W to the Killing of GAME, have of late Years been taken in the Manor of Fyfield, near Abingdon, Berks, This is to give Notice, that a 'Game ...

Advertisements & Notices

... twelve and two afternoon , when the horfes are tb be Shewn, the proper certificate produced, and the entry-money paid. ?? SCAFFOLDS to be ereaed without the persnlfion of the Magiftrates of Leith or their Clerk. LORD SINCLAIR, SIR JOHN HOPE, Stewards. SIR-DAVID ...

Advertisements & Notices

... before theva, when-the par- ties eare req uired to a. tend.. A Drawling of-the Spire may be seen, and Particulais of the' ScafFold had, by applying at the Office of Messrs. Robinson and Roper, architeas, Albion-street, bilackfriars-road. Security will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... twelve and two afternoon, when the horfes are to be fhewn, the proper certificates procuced, and the entry-money paid. ?? SCAFFOLDS to be erected without the pernsiflioa of the Magifirates of Leith, or their Clerk. EARL of K-INNOUL, LORD VISCOUNT PRIMROSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gaol ia Beccles, Soffollk, A Quantity of about 150 large Ufirs, a considerable A quantity offluntlocki, centerings, scaffold cords, scaffold deals of various tlsicknesses, oak slabs, fir scantlings, and other b- ,iliing materials, fire wood, &c. Also, 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... respective debts uridera decrec of the Court of Chancur3,,.suade in the cause Durhaml against Lankester, by attending at the Kill' Ilead fmlt irn Stowmarket, on iiarsday, tho4th of Janenext, at 3 o'clock inthe afternoon.. MaD y !8,1807. I!'W'1CE to, LEGATEES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iu4u~f fet ertificates ntiu~t be produaced to ~ P t~- ~15tweds.Tit pay Three uisiieae, it tile Clerk. a 'iito ereth Scaffolds or 11otq on r 'l''rS5j~p from the Clerk of the, 5ocy ar Fist to pay 10s. acett, ui ?? b ii pdy One Guinea for Drums, 5 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stonehaven, or Andrew lopp; Advocate in 'Aberdein; atig John Keay at' mill of Uras, or Rob'e'rt Givan, OQergteir' at Dunottat, 'kill point out the nmarches z' - SALE oF WOOD ASD HARDWARE. t To be sold by public rouip, on Fuday the lIth curt. at 10 'oklock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... One Guinea to the Subfcription Plate.-Atnd no Pertion (except a Burgets of Derby,) will be allowed to eredt any Booth or Scaffold en the Race G round without firft paying Tfea Shillings and Sixpence to the Clerk of the Courfe. EARL of CHES'TERFIELD, Stewards ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on6 -of which scaffolds, and the fall- i- ing of a la k therefrom, a girl was lately killed, -Intimationi :, is) theretbre, hereby-given, that if any repairs are made eni houses within the city, or jurisdiction of the Court, or ariy scaffold. erected for ...