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Irish Society (Dublin)



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Irish Society (Dublin)



Published: Saturday 26 May 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 22 | Page: 26 | Tags: none

Zbc latest fashions

... latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) Though Sunday, the 27th ult., Show Sunday in the art and society world was a terribly gloomy day, it did not prevent large gatherings of the usual elegant and stylishly dressed visitors to the many fascinating ...

Published: Saturday 09 April 1892
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 47 | Page: 25 | Tags: none

tlbe latest fashions

... latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. CONTINUATION o! lovelv weather is keeping Dublin still deserted city, while seaside and holiday haunts generally continue as biisk as ever, and have, indeed, h«d such season this year to make amends for many ...

Published: Saturday 16 September 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 243 | Page: 24 | Tags: none


... LATEST FASHIONS IN DRESS MATERIALS inch All-Wool Gabardines, in the season’s leading shades, 5/11, 7/6, 8/6. 9/6. 10/6. 12/6. 13/6 and 14/6 per yard. Wool Poplin, 56 inches wide, in larnre ratine fashionable shades for smart Costumes and Frocks. Also ...

Published: Saturday 07 April 1923
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 134 | Page: 2 | Tags: none

latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) One of the prettiest materials for seaside wear is white serge. It ..

... latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) One of the prettiest materials for seaside wear is white serge. It is economical, too, and for this reason: At the seaside you are far removed from the London smuts, which have no respect to season, but lly ...

Published: Saturday 13 August 1892
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 291 | Page: 10 | Tags: none

APRIL 23. 1892. latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) This is holiday week, and very little of fashion ..

... APRIL 23. 1892. latest fashions. (Special to Irish Society.) This is holiday week, and very little of fashion in the way of dress has been in evidence. But with Easter all the butterflies will be out, and streets, churches, and parks will be a moving ...

Published: Saturday 23 April 1892
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 306 | Page: 21 | Tags: none

May 13, 1893,] latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. Variety seems to be studied in every detail of the ..

... May 13, 1893,] latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. Variety seems to be studied in every detail of the fashions this season. The number of different kinds of straw is quite remarkable, seen in the new bonnets and hats. First we have the finest chip ...

Published: Saturday 13 May 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 140 | Page: 23 | Tags: none

(HluTor Jasbion. PHILLIPA. ||| Dress on the Stage. —To see the latest fashions visit to two three West End Theatres

... (HluTor Jasbion. PHILLIPA. ||| Dress on the Stage. —To see the latest fashions visit to two three West End Theatres in London is quite the pleasantest and most satisfactory plan. course the colours may modified and the styles made a triHe less pronounced ...

Published: Saturday 08 December 1923
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 467 | Page: 16 | Tags: none

latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. PEKFECT furore is raging just now in the millinery world for mercury ..

... latest fashions. Special to Irish Society. PEKFECT furore is raging just now in the millinery world for mercury wings. These extremely pretty ornaments are exactly the shape of those worn on the classical head and heels of Jove’s messenger; and are made ...

Published: Saturday 26 August 1893
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 660 | Page: 28 | Tags: none

Hay IS. tBM. latest fashions. [Spboial to Xbish Society.] LTHOUGH many of ihe bonnets are still joilt with the main

... Hay IS. tBM. latest fashions. [Spboial to Xbish Society.] LTHOUGH many of ihe bonnets are still joilt with the main trimming at the back, e newer mode is iw to place the wotb, upright bows, wings or birds—lor Sese latter are mnoh fashion again for millinery ...

Published: Saturday 26 May 1894
Newspaper: Irish Society (Dublin)
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Illustrated | Words: 257 | Page: 25 | Tags: none