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Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 19. A Deposit of 10 per cent. must be paid on the day of ale. The Timber is full grown, and of large dimensions, fitible for Ship Building, &c.: it is glrowing in the ossltships of Pleasington and Samlesbury, four miles from dclciburn, five frorm Preston ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to tile ltesea of Lords by the Earl of Derby: and that to the Commons by tite Alembers for the boroagh.: Sing To the Kise's lost Excellent AMojesty. th nR-WC, your ?? aid tutifulsubijects, the inhabitantsof the Cown of Preston, ii the County Palatine of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lords and Conm- mons of Great Britaiu ; including their Titles, Official Appointments, Town and Country Residences, Relation- ship, Political Counexions, &c. &c. Also the Rlegulatio.ns and Standing Orders of both Houses, respecting Privileges, Private Bills ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Insurance ('on uany, CORNHILL, & ST. JAMES-STREET, LO.RD0N. LIlfOUSES and other Buildings, Goods, Wares, and I AlMerchandizes, Ships, Barges, and other Vessels. in port, or in dock, and Goods on board the same; and Barges, or other Vessels on navigable Rivers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... like Share of the Rents, in the meantime of the following Lands and Premises, viz:- A Freehold ESTATE, consisting of a Barn, Ship- pons, Orchards, Rad several closes of Land in How- ick, containing 13A. 2a. 3$r. of the measure of 8 yards to the Rod, 1o0w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Apersien, and permrnent as a Turte; enriches tbe circulating fluil; in- parts vigour tind ?? to the nerves; aind restores the lost tone of the Stowach to tin( dueperfsrntanceol its functions. C(tNGREVI'S SAIINE APEIIIENT POWDE\IS. Titis valuable ctclting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... upon at Candlemas and May next, A L, tbat Excellent and Desirable FARM called A the Heskin- Hall Farm, situate in the Townl- ship of Heskin, comprising part of the MANSION- HOUSE, with commodious FARIM-BUILDINGS, and SSA. 2E. 2P. of LAND, of the Measure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on every British Ship or ( Vessel coming into or going out of the River Ribble, v be received and paid by the Instalnents or payments c following, that is to say, Six-pence per Ton burtlhen, registered Tonnage, e on every British Ship or Vessel, the first ...

Advertisements & Notices

... four first Lots are'growing in the Township of Leylandl, the eight followim; Lots in the Town- ships of Ulnes Walton, Eccleston. and Heskiti, and tdle four lost in the Townihip 6f Mawdesley. The above Titmber is well grown, of large dimen- sions, and suitable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twenty-ninth of thlis mnsntlt. -~Jabj slh, l834. J. MORITZ, AdlER O' TE7'1B mER1.1'.1AN, FRENCH, 4' 7 ITALN1,1 LANGUAGES, Xl/lOST respectfully announces to the Nobility, .Gentry. and Boarding Schools of Preston andi tis vicinity, that be continues giving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... amount of income to the ship canal ? Should this third line of competition be open, are the corn merchants so in- capable of availing themselves of it, aind so inattentive to their own interests, as to send a single vessel upon the ship canal, until they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PROPOSED SHIP CANAL TO LYTHlAM. TO TaE EDITOR OF TH9 PRSESTON CHRONICLE. was a little surprised to find an article in your d X paper of last Saturday signed Senex-setting forth only h a i per cent. profit likely to proceed from this Ship Canal undertaking ...