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Daily News (London)


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Daily News (London)


... other parts of his speech, lowered his voice so much as quit* inaudible the gallery, and the remainder of the sentence was lost.] I sec some excellent individuals that body, more excellent perhaps than prudent. (A laugh). Mow I say it is perfectly lawful ...


... The next day, we could see nothing of the ship, we ran down among the smaller islands, keeping clear of the larger ones, which are thickly inhabited, for although the natives are peaceable enough when the ship is in sight, they have too frequently proved—most ...


... most remote possessions, but over the seas lying between; for it extended protection the shipping interest, a fact proved by there being greater increase of shipping in the ports connectcd with Colonial trade, within the last eighteen months, than in any ...


... report made to Government by Professor Lindley, and Mr. Playfair, stated that half of the potato crop in Ireland was either lost or altogether unfit for the consumption of man; and that the consequent deficiency of seed for the next year would be very ...


... railways, were then presented, which .occupied the house until halfpast .5 o'clock. Mr. LIDDELL presented a petition from the Ship- Owners' Society of London, and gave notice that he should move that it be printed next day with the votes of the house. SALMON ...


... similar to a bill of that description which had been passed in other cases. SHIP OWNERS' SOCIETY OF LONDON. Mr. LIDDELL moved that the Petition of the Committee of the General Ship Owners' Society of the City of London, (presented 12th Feb.), be printed ...


... single log o foreign wood, that is, Baltic timbcrsuitable for a twelve years ship, and we proposed to give great'facilities forgetting Baltii timber, in order that good ships might be built; and wi have done this; and concurrently with has been an enor ...


... to the house. RETURNS. Mr. HUME then moved for Copies of all reports and correspondence respecting the loss the emigrant ship Cataraque, in Bass's Straits, in last, having 369 emigrants *»n board.*' Also, Copy of the report of the officer at Liverpool ...


... motion was lost on a division—ycai .52, noes 56. Afterwards, on the same dav, leave was given to bring in a bill to secure the freedom and purity of election the iiorough of Helston. This bill passed the Commons in 1813, 1814, and 1815, but was lost each in ...


... was placed at the helm of the state—not that the helm was not to have free play in his hands, but that he would steer the ship that point to which the right hon. gentleman taught them to look as a port of refuge in storm. But the right hon. baronet did ...


... thesi documents, my lords, to show the extent to which the illega acts of these men are carried- and I think such of your lord ships, have done me the honour to attend to thi details I have submitted, will have remarked tha the great proportion of these crimes ...


... complain of the hardship which free-trade was likely to inflict on the shipping interest. His honourable friend told them that whatever might be the case with other inter.-sts, the shipping interest was deeply interested in the preservation of protection to ...