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MILLINERY ROOMS. \ T H. COLLIER has juft received from Paris an X • elegant uflbrtment of Msimablt Millinery, which

... g-sncrisl obfervation, convince the pubjicl. that his motives in the charge are honourable, and difpel all prejudice. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD or LETT immr.diately,— a Pleafant JL HOUSE, with every convenience for - family; alto, four- Pieces of Pasture ...


... the arrival of the coach. No parcel above 51. value wllfbe accounted fof if loft, unlefs entered asid paid for as fuch, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be SOLD or LETT immediately ,-a Pleafant HOUSE, with every conveniency for a family j alfo, four Pieces of Pafture ...

This Day is publijbed, price zs. SCRIPTURAL REVISION of SOCINIAN ARGUMENTS, in a Letter to Dr. Pries'! lev. By the

... PICTURES will continue but a fhort time longer. *»* Piano-Fortes lett on hire. ' Gold, Silver, and Jewels, taken in exchange. MONMOUTHSHIRE AGRICULTURE SOCIETY. THE Premium for the beft Cart Stallion was, on the 19th inftant, adjudged to Mr. William Hewer, of ...


... per- fons who ltand indebted to the laid Air. Ames are dc- fired forthwith to pay the fame as above. lo.~B ABTRGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO he LETT, and entered on immediately, 'The Beit Part of a Large Ready-Furnifhed HOUSE; confifting of a drawing-room ...

an u _§*atur tiag _$ ■ IPoa.s. LONDON, FRIDAY JAN. iS. •Wi tr* 3 - ONDAY the great queltion came

... and Briftol. at the Office, of Mr. Vaughan, attorney. No. 105, Shoe-lane, Flcet-ftreet, London, or of tbe Auctioneer. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately, 'i'hat Capital Manfion called the HILL-HOUSE, confifting of a hail, two parlours ...


... Wilts; and either of whom will treat by private contract for the Manor and Eftate. of and at Sou th-Cerney. [. .-9 ** MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and catered on immediately, That Canital Manfion called the HILL-HOUSE, confifting of a hall, two parlours ...

LAW. WANTED, by an Attomv in Bath, an Articled CLERK. Eiujuircof the Printer. FROME ASSEMBLY' ~ I^ROME next ..

... -•— ?? -*-*•» ?? ___££•.._- ?? be feen on apphcauon at the printer •, where the advertuer's addrefs is alfo left. [9690 MONMOUTHSHIRE- TO be LETT, and entered on immediately, That Capital Manfion called tbe HILL-HOUSE, coniifting of a hall, two parlours ...

BATH, Feb. 8th, 1793. SIGMOND, Surgeon-Dentist, respectfully informs the Nobility and Gentry of the cities of ..

... City, at which time the Chairman will take tie Chair and ed^H n^OROE? Clerk to the (aid Tmil** Bath, Feb. 33d, 1793. ' MONMOUTHSHIRE. *»TpO be LETT, and emered on immediately. J. That Capital Manfion called the HILL-HOUSE, confifting of a hall, two parlours ...

LONDON TEA WAREHOUSE, The CORNER of GREEN-STRKET, near St. Michael's Church, BATH. 1 >ETER PAUL, Wholefale and ..

... he known by enquiry of Mr. Keafbe'rry, who will kindly .receive any donation, which will be. gratefully acknowledged. MONMOUTHSHIRE.^ TO be LETT, and entered on Immediately, That Capital Manlion called the HILL-HOUSE, c.-nfifling of a ha.l, two parlours ...

The HISTORY of SOMERSETSHIRE. THE Subfcribers to the lliflory and Antiqui- tit.t of the County of Somerfet are ..

... Boarding, at William Lewis's, grocer, No. 18, Claverton-ftrcet, Widcombe. N.B. There are no children, nor any other lodgers. MONMOUTHSHIRE^ * I O be LETT, and entered on immediately, J. That Capital Manfion called the HILL-HOUSP*. confiding of a hall, two ...

LONDON TEA WAREHOUSE, The CORNER of GREEN-S TREET, near Sr. Michael's Church, BA'FH. PETER PAUL, Wholefnle and ..

... a reputable perfon as, Wood- ward, who has had long experience, and can oc Well rs*- commended. Apply as above. ?? * MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO be LETT, and entered on irnmediatelv*. That Capital Manfion called the HILL -HOUSE, confifling of a hall, two parlours ...