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... A MORMON MIRACLE. (From Life in the Far West, in Blackwiood's Magazine for ,ining this time they November.) ,DIwring this time they 'were continually receiving converts to the faith, and mans of the more ignorant courtrv people were disposed to join ...

PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. (From our Correspondent.) London, Saturday Evening. The almost iacredible success of ..

... labour, and house rent, caused by the numbers who have deserted trade and business, to proceed to the mountain ravines, or Mormon diggings, 25 miles np the American fork of the San Francisco. The Colonel says, merchants pay a monthly rent of 100 dollars ...


... didactic vet attractive style. A brief but excellent 'paper, detailing the leading points in the interesting history of the Mormon sect, ;yUill also prove ac- ceptable to marry readers. Northern Mythology is cleverly wrritten, and Abel Ltog's amusing ...


... elevated Cirristian, but thle noblest and thle or manliest oran, of whour we have ainy knowledge. 1Mormon- end, ism and Mormons1 is the sub~ject of i a very slaosing but, we novee thirrk, by no means urrjrrot article en tlro Latter-Day Saintst of the ...


... the history of the Mormons for the construction of a ro-l mance that w ould be at once original and powerfully interesting, has made their social and religious system a subject of careful study. Probably she may have lived among Mormons, or in some vay been ...


... could at icr- seml an enjoy tile -rights of conscience, and isono din-e to WI mth§ moes thm. He thakd God that there was a Mormon temple di ;e ;ii Boston. Thodore Parker is a relished. Pantheist. He sees tu ciii God in everythin~g-in thme flowers, blushing ...


... one of tlosee bullets tli11 i, ust perish almost instantaneously irons tse explosion inv t.its interior, nes DEA~TH OS? A MORmoN LEADEst-The American papers th 00 record the deatho of Orson 1'ratt, tlse famous Mormosn of .5- elder. Hle seduced the wife ...


... hand was felt! What a monstrous perversion of all f that we believe with regard to spiritual natures. No wonder t though the Mormons find disciples and believers when such a 0 tale as the above is given to the world as a solemn fact, by a t man who can write ...


... enoiuwh to be a sheep ?-Kniekerboc1er. A CORRECT MISNOMER.-We know an old lady who, when she alludes to the leader of the Mormons, always calls him-either unintentionally, or else by a cu-ions jumble of ideas- Mr Bigamy Young.-Panch. Jolly WESLEY AND ...


... t~l you it is at St. Louis. At St. Louis it is in' the new territory of ansas. At Kansas it is at Utah the paradise of the Mormons, but soon to be transformed into a hell of w arfare. At Utah the West is in Oregon - and at Oregon it is in California or ...


... cution of Isis metaphysical studies. Thus, although in easy I - circumstances, Lobs, was wretched ; and, when at length i Mormonism was presented to him, he was, as he himself 4. , asserts, deceived into a reception of the impious and im- ii? moral heresy ...


... the fifty men there are only five aspire Americans. Thle Mormons arc Swedes, Danes, and Eug- defeie- lishsnen, all the most illiterate menl I ever met wvith. The alivay majority of tine Mormons we have -with us are much em- the g( bittered againet Brigham ...