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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

MARLBOROUGH, to, t 7 5 7 . THE annif crfary Meeting of the GentJt-itn educated at tha Free. School,

... JilfißT. Mr.FBANC.. 6W'«*^^aXS^ i, _ Pltalc to ob-try- »b»« '^ZjLte#»f iv bi. *land.Wt^*ngl/i**W , * w * ,| ?? .very Buiil*. mormon he SoUn at I-Ottoi St. Philip s * ,P J J._fi* aad feven Acre* of Paftore ?? 7«r_H. •■•■ °^« n G *** l >» d . , ,h. ftme ...

London, September 10

... fays, The fame hen, belonging to Robert Markham, this place, mentioned the papers fome time ago to have laid an egg an mormon* fize, and containing three entire yolks, did yefterday fe'nnight lay another, which in circumference, lengthwife, meafurcs ...


... 1 her comment and her t flati, a ?? to every quarter of the globe 1 her public debt »»' fmall in emparifon t iit pitfent mormon, amount ; tnd'he bid mitli-r loft, not was likely to lafe, .my of litr pnifeilions in Iw'it nr Am ric?, but en the csttriry ...


... FOR SALE by Auctitm, in the gtcat Ro-m nt tlio Bi'M in ?? l-llre-t, on TliuiiJay the 24th ir.dint, it o'clock in -he mormon, 'imported in the Two Bioil.en, C'j,t. Chrirlepher Bio mi, nam L ugfound) A CARGO ot line FIR BALLKS, whit* and y-li w Dei* ...

LONDON, 7«-..'..v. S'?t. to-

... unci to a very lift popular .;it, laiely pulled I - ;, ill. w.rgrefs, for railing tiit curr.m fuppliei, which vtr; not only mormon-, but v dc paid in fpecie. in ?? of the tbregcing, .i..d ti.e u(e made ait cf Mr. Pcppe.i.! - . ?? the letter ...


... croiif.v. ?? accounts ?? Windward are of the molt melineholy not! The pvifhes of St. George and bt. Dr. id, luve lilt. M mormons mifchicf ; molt of the eltales and plant ilium in EltaMtl biting loft their buildings and B*o*imjr»j hut blkrmfami to have ...

HEYTESBURY, WILTS. WANTED immediately, an Apprentice to a Plumber, Claiier, and Houfe- Painter. A Sober lad ..

... Cb'rltt-lliufe Hi itt on, Somerfet. HPO be LI'.TT, and entered upon at Lady-Day X -. ?? fl I snail convenient MOUSE, three mormon afluor, with » Hi j.',t.vo gardens, and affable, calculated for eithei a Butcher or Baker,- — —Fa paticular,, enrjaire of ...


... Hon. Mrs. Cholmondlcy, Hon. G. Pitt, Hon.G. F.Lyttltton, SirWm. Gordon and family, Sir Ed. Head, Admiral Barrington, Gen. Mormon and family, Col. Mrs. and Mifs Dixon, Col. Campbell, Dr. Grillinhoof, Dr. Shef- field, Dr. Ewart, Dr. Hinton, Rev, Mr. and ...

Promt against th Auttstd Tax Bill

... to the people of a Kefornt of that Houfe, which had granted, and a ceofurenf thofe Mmil- ters who have lavifhcd funis fo mormons, without any benefit refultiug to the community. We thought that while Ms Majclty's affairs were ?? by thofe who originally ...

Pie. mi Pra-eitelr, fecit, at _d*ms Damtr. MARRIED. Capt. Hadfield, of the 87th ree. font, to Mrt. Harrifon. ..

... Silkc— John Joflin, gent, nf Ralne, Klfex, to Mrs. Johnfon, of Braititree.- At Clirtnn, Mr. C. Datii, ciibinel-makcr, tn Mifa Mormon, uf ilriilol.— At Clarl- ton, Wilt», Mr. Jidin Garllck, of Malnitfbury, aged 71, tn Mif. Edith Ball, aged 15 Mr. Robert Ptikitii ...

York-Hoitsc, Bath. T UC AS and REILt.Y moft relpeAfuily inform JL-J the pobtic, that the under-mentioned LIGHT ..

... anlJ Hbjmouth, (//df Subscription Coach,J every Morning at Eight o'Clock, through bhepton.Malleir, llchclter, Ilminltcr, and Mormon; and arrives at the Old London Inn, Exeter, preciftly in the Evening. (fffC h Arrives Jloniton at Six o'Cloth, where Coach ...