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Advertisements & Notices

... any Clergyman or Lady who can recommend her two Godlly Church women-the one as good Plain Cook, the other as House and Parlour Maid, neither under :,O. Address M1., at the Office of this Paper. 117ANTED, a Plain Cook for a Commercial 1 Hotel, in the Country ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for e lady, £25. I Indoor Man Servant, a House and Parlour Maid for one lady. A good Cook and Kitchen Maid for a family of 2, Parlour Maid for Teignmouth. A good Cook, Parlour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lady. 1 Indoor Man Servant a House and Parlour Maid for one lady. Good Cook for Cornweil, £20. Working Housekeeper ?? 2 thorough Upper Nurses. An experienced Waitress. I good Cook, Parlour Maid, and a Kitohen Maid for a family in Exeter, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Person.-Apply to V.E., 8evenbig Post Office. MTANTEiD, the beginuine of June, for resident V family in Tnrqunv, thorough PARLOUR- MAID, 25 to 30, with not ?? than a tear's elia-acter from last situntion.-Address, Mrs. PeTTY, Hsolailectlh,; Kingskerswell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . -Apply, stating anj a, qualifications, &e., to E. PEAlISE, South Wales Railway a r Ghulde-Offiece, Swansea. COOK and PARLOUR MAID Wanted. but '-Country Servants preferred.-Wanted, in a Gentleman's hot Family, as Plain Cook, an active, industrious Woman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Indoor Man Servant, a House and Parlour Maid for one lady. A. good Cook and Kitchen Maid for a family of 2, Parlour Maid 16 for TeiRnmouth. I Sewing Maid, £1S per year. A good Cook, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Person.-Apply to V.B., Evenees Foe- Office. WANTFD, the beginnine of June, for resilent farily in Torqlay, thorough PARLOUR- MAID, 25 to :40, with not less than a year's character from last. situntion.-Addresa, Mrs. PETtry, Holmlieh. Kingskerswell. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Person.-Apply to V.E.. D^eng Lost Office. W.AETFI). tbe beginnine of June, for resident - family in Torquay, thoroglgh PARLOUR- MAID, 25 to '40, with not lesq than a year's ?? from lst situftion.-Address, Mrs. PETTY, 110lmleigh, Kingskarewsll. nJANT ED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (3:1ice of this paper. ___ ________ - SERVANTS3 WANTED, INMF.DIATFtLY IX A RisSPECTABLs FAMiLr, A GOOD COOK, TIOUSE and PARLOUR MAID, A and NURSEMAID. Note nred apply whose character mid not bearthestrictest investigation.Liertl aaes will be Pi-ii lo good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in the capacity of COOIK and HOUSEMAID; also several steady MAIDS OF ALI, WORcI, for Families wlsere boys are kept; also a good HOUSE and PARLOUR MAID; 2 KITCHEN MAIDS; and I KITCH EN MAID, who understallds the Dairy. Apply to Mrs. CIIUDGE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Indoor Man Servant, a House and Parlour Maid for one lady. A good Cook and Kitchen Maid for a family of 2, Parlour Maid for Teignmouth. 1 Sewing Maid, £IS per year. A good Cook, PIarlour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Roue and Parlour Maid for one lady in Exeter-f 12. A Working Housekeeper for a young single gentleman. A Scullery Maid in a large Establishment; good wages. A Good House and Parlour Maid for a family of 2; good wages. A House and Parlor ...