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... ORIGINAL POETRY. ENTREATY AND EXPOSTULATION, m. Oh! let see thy basket, Brother, Just within the brim ? I love to see the tiny trouts That in the water swim! 1 love them for their silvery dress. Their forms and fins so slim! Oh! let me, only let me, Brother ...


... is a capital moonlight, to which the sentiment of deep and interesting solemnity is finely imparted; in fact, there is more poetry and feeling in this than in any landscape in the exhibition. Nearly as good is his No. 4, Castle Douglas in Dumfriesshire ...

The Dublin University Magazine. No. C

... question canvassed openly, keenly, and generally, than have our commercial interests endangered by diplomatic mismanagement. Poetry and the inimitable letters from the coast of Clare, close a number, on which, so far as we are concerned, we set our fiat—it ...


... of British interests to Russia’s determined career of aggression and self-aggrandisement. Under the head of Transatlantic Poetry,” have an exquisite piece from the natural pencil (for pen we shall not call it), of Mrs Sigourney, who has lately been honouring ...

Tbs London and Edinburgh.—No. HI

... of assembling a considerable body of information on any point when the attention can rest within circumscribed limits. The poetry of the number is all good, and David Vedder’s Persecutor’s Deathbed,” none of the worst. The Reviews are not, however, reviews ...

The Dublin University Magazine

... followed by No, xvi. of the “Anthologia Germanica,” containing several spirited translations of the ballad and miscellaneous poetry of Uhland, the Baron la Motte Fouque, Klopstock, Glein, Kerner, Muller, &c. “ Charles O’Malley” is as spirited and amusing ...