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... POETRY. THE TURBOT.-A TALE. LoIn ENXLESS, walking to the hall, Saw a fine turbot on a stall.- 'H ow much d'ye ask, friend, for thisish? TrvoGutineas, Sir.- Two Guineas! pish! lie paused, he thought, ' Two Guineas! zounds! Few fish to-day, Sir ...


... POETRY . n-n- THE RIOT; Or, HALF A LOAF IS BETTER THAN NO BREAD. S . PIALOOVE IETWE EN JA ANVIL AND T TOM lIOD. 'ToM1. cowls, neighbours, no longer he patient and quiet, Come L.t us go kick up a bit of a riot; I amn bultIglY, 1lly lads, but I've little ...


... POETRY. ODE to CHRISTMAS. (ld CuuBSTMAS, ball! thy reverend formn Comes drench'd and dripping with the storm; Thy hoary locks are tempest rent; Thy milk-white beard is ice bhsprent; Wind, sleet, and snow, thy steps assail, Yet will I say to ?? (CH IST ...


... POETRY. LOVE. From Eva, an historical poem, just published. There is a sorpow of the mind, A pang with every thougght entwin'd, A grief the soul must ever feel, A wvound no earthly balit can heal, So deep a wound, so dark a woe, The lonely, suffering ...