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Brighton, Sussex, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ler Majesty's Mint to DISposE OF THE irEDALS ?? by order of the Government to conrmemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. P IANOFORTE FOR SALE, A BARGAIN, in I consequience of a gentleman losing his daughter. This instrnment was selected 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Borough of Brighton, should he inlvited to take part in the cerenionials on the arrival of e1r NMoat Graciolus Majesty, Queen Victoria, on the 4th of October next, and they are requested to inform the Honorary Secretary of their willing- Dess to do so, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majesty's Mint to DISPOSE or THEE MEDALS struck bv order of the Government to commemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. FREEHOLD ESTATES. Skinner-street, Snow-hill; Oxford-street; Strand; Hollyvwell- street, Shoreditch; Worship-street; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majesty's Alint to DISP-OSE. OF T IHE MEDAL9 Sttruck hvr order of the Government to commemorate the Coronation of tler Majesty Queen Victoria. ST. LEONARDS ON SEA. HUTCHINGS'S SOUTH SAXON HOTEOL AND FAMILY BOAR\DING HOUSE. tT is universallv admitted that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5-Moore's Almanac. 9-The Clerical Almanac. 10-The Mechanics' Almanac. II.-On MONDAY, January 15th, 1838, THREE POR. TRAITS OF QUEEN VICTORIA AND HER ROYAL PARENTS, THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF KENT, beautifully printed on a large-size paper, from a Steel Engrav. ing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... was pailited at the express command of the Queen, who ?? preseniteld it to her mother, the Duchess of Kent, as an ?? of tilial affection. It is a truly regal plortrait, atnd is t!i first portrait of Queen Victoria lpinited since her accession a, the thril' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majesty's Mint to DISPOSE OF THE MEDALS struck by order of the Government to commemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. B-LAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC FILLS Cere of Rheumatism of Forty Years' standing, at Malinstaury, Wilts. To Mr. Prout, 229 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! With No. II, on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, December the 23rd and 24th, a A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING, ON STEEL, OF HER MAJESTY, QUEEN VICTORIA. AND HER SPLENDID ESCORT, As she appeared on her way to the Late Great Civic Dinner, given by the Lord Mayor and Corporation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... meantime I shall take an early oppor- tunity of egain paying you my personal respects. The gracious declaration of our Queen Victoria in favour of ,lie civil and religious liberty of all classes of her subjects has iaetitied the hopes which all Reformers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... meantime I shall take an early oplor- tuflity of again paving von my personal respects. Thte gracious declaration of our Queen Victoria in favour of tiie tji1 itid religious liberty of all classes of her subjects has )itsimticil the hopes which all Reformers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Majesty's -Mint to DISPOSE OF THE MEDnALS struck by order of tihe Government to commemorate the Coronation of 11er Majesty Queen Victoria. CU SSELL'S ORIGINAL LIGHT SAFETY COACH, T HE GLOBE, Established in 18:13, 1- Jertlovedfioro A`o. 11, to Snow's Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANECDOTES OF QUEEN VICTORIA! Now ready, In 8vo Parts, I. to V., price Is. each, to be con- tinued Monthly, each month containing an Engraving, ORIGINAL and Highly Interesting Anecdotes, Personal Traits, and Characteristic Sketches of the QUEEN, from her ...