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Advertisements & Notices

... in C Atilliteni- Great 6i0 ot all. '(Beetboven.) Jne 27 M. Adiuishion of Fellows &. Scholars at St. Jobhi's. 2S ?? Queen 'Victoria cr owned (18138). - 29 IV. St. Peter the Apostle. -- 30 Ti. ?? ?? Moon 2.41 p.m. My 1 1. IaY lecrii-ed4 ni. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOND STREET, W., AND Warrants of Appointment were given during the reigns of GEORGE Ill., GEORGE IV., WILLIAM IV., and QUEEN VICTORIA, as Jeweellers, Goldsmiths, and Watchmakers. NOTICE. Friday next being GOOD FRIDAY, the OXFORD JOURNAL will be published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Twiligfht ends 6.53.-Sun rises at 7.32. 8 Tu. half Quarter. -Sun sets at 4.59. 9 W. Day hircased I hour 49 minutes. 10 Tsi. Queen Victoria maruried (1840). -Moon, 1st qr. -11 F. Sun rises 71.25; sets 5.5-Day 9 h. 40 m. long. Alotices to Advscrtiscrs, Agents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pages, with ,i c. -60illuistratiorns-published a-. s. 6d., offored i I SHILLING-Six different tolumes. idcl Timnes of Queen Victoria, -Jubilee Volume, il1ctril ed-2s. 6d., zilt edges, 3s. Ne- diion of NU'TTALL'S DICTION .P2Y, 0t 0 ,l 30 references, published ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ler Majesty's Mint to DISposE OF THE irEDALS ?? by order of the Government to conrmemorate the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. P IANOFORTE FOR SALE, A BARGAIN, in I consequience of a gentleman losing his daughter. This instrnment was selected 10 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOPfIG CTGIH O aill Chemists, price L 4a. per bottle. Sole FTRONCHITIS 'Wholesale Agents: W. EDW ARDS & SON, 157, dROUP Queen Victoria - street, s London. PDOCLIE'S HERBAL EMBROCATION. i tw d4O2 LAIR'S GOUT and RIEBUIATIC FILIT you RaEUMA.TISZ tLAIR'S GOUT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fOOPLNG COUGH Of all Chemists, price - 4s. per bottle. SOM, B RONCĀ£HITIS WhokalJe Agmts: W. ED)r.WDS & So, 15i tlROUP Queen Victoria - treet, 4J Lcadou. R OCTIE S IIURBAL ]MB11ROCTIMON. W IDOW WELCI'S PILLS FOIL FEM1A.IM W (COAPLAINTS.-MRS. .SMAITH1lR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUGH -Of all Chemists, price AJL 4e. per bottle. Sole j)RONCHITIS Wholesale Agents: W. B JDWD&RS & So- , 157, ,'ROUP Queen Victoria - street, C ' Londoa. 1OCHE'S HERBAL E3ILBROC)ATIONY. e447 PIOL and STEEL PILLS for feales, ?? i A remedy for all irr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOND STREET, W., AND Warrants of Appointment were given during the reigns of GEORGE III., GEORGE IV., WILLIAM IV., and QUEEN VICTORIA, as Jevellers, Goldsmiths, and Watchmakers. WOODSTOCK CHURCH. ONE THOUSAND POUNDS required in order to open WOODSTOCK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ally fasinily ii ?? kineoiedo purc Islead would be expected to le foudl, it is in thist of' Jter 310sr Gracious Ntijesty Queen Victoria. Unsdoubtcdly this is tile ease for ce tind the Qutene's private balker prottiouicilig hoiw0IN x's V i~cisic 'OWDnult ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ansy tasmily its tlhe kingidom pure bread wvould be capeeteui to be found,, it is in that of Heor Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. Undoubtedly thtis is the case, for w~e find the Qusein's private baker pronouncing 1lonw~eo's BAzEnrG POWDBUe a most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Borough of Brighton, should he inlvited to take part in the cerenionials on the arrival of e1r NMoat Graciolus Majesty, Queen Victoria, on the 4th of October next, and they are requested to inform the Honorary Secretary of their willing- Dess to do so, ...