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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... acute bronchitis, John Christian Schotky, Esq., Marine Painter in Ordinary to their Majesties George IV., William IV., and Queen Victoria, and formerly Pro- fessor of Drawing to the Military and Naval Colleges at Marlow, Portsmouth, and Addiscombe. Jan. 31 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... had made it. How they will manage it in England, if Dr. Bane succeeds in finding Sii John, we do not venture to guess. Queen Victoria will have to play the part of Old Hickory ; but she will have a wholesale resurrection on her hands. There will be a hecatomb ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sir Henry Wheatley, Hart., in the 74th year of his age, late Privy Purse to his Majesty WVilliam IV., and her Majesty Queen Victoria. At Guildfcrd, Elizabeth, relict of the late Hon. Thomas Hill. At Southsea, Commander Gee. Martin Hunter, R. N., fourth ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... conducted the Festival in Westminster Abbey of 1834. ?? also directed the music at the coronations of William IV. and of Queen Victoria. In 1811 lie was kliglhtod by the Duke of Rich- mond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and in the same year took part in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... medicine vendors. THE QUEEN'S HOUSEBOLnD-If in ' any family in the kingdom pure bread would be expected to be found, it is in that of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. Un- doubtedly this is the ease, for weyfind the Queen's private Baker pronouncing ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... deeply interest.' ing to Saxe-Coburg- Gotha. The body has been emblanied aud the funeral will take place oil Monday next. Queen Victoria will be represnted on the occasion by Sir El;dwvard Malet, the British Ambassador ii Berlin, and by Major- General Sir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... form large masses, they are very handsome; there is also a good selec- tion, aind -we have never seen ftier trusses of Queen Victoria, Madamne Poggi, and Gluce varieties. We hope next year, by proper attention to watering the plants with manure water in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... her Majesty Queen Victoria he had the honour to administer the oath, and the Bible used on that Occasion is now deposited in the chapel at Farnham Castle. In January, 1859, he confirmed the Qceen's god-daughter, the Indian Princess Victoria Gouromna, of ...