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Hull Packet

Advertisements & Notices

... Whitefriargate, tlull. TO READERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. r :usician' h3s not sent us his nanae. - & Frelestat must kinow that reviews of p~ublications cannot be adwitled as tellters to the Editor. letter on Raged Schools i5 founded on a misapprehension qf ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr Savage, Howydenc arnd Mr. Hudiun), Pocklington ; Mr. Sheardoor. and Mr. 1r B- ,Ionea!}lr; arid NI. D:-.r',Lii..oll. A REVIEW- o0 MAPS : CHARTS, fA Dpareme r hitrto unattempred iw ' ny a gljS' LOND2o, jrun z, a8or, T7s'P Day il pu&lled, price Tweo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,North American Review. After a full examination, v e do not hesitate to say that this is the most complete and honest history of the French Itnvolulion which has as yet appeared, either in England or Franca. Foreign Quarterly Review. AiWe acknowledge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thle ' Review' may also bie lead iue Mon~thly Parst, stitched ini a Cover, price 2s. 8d. Advertisements, ated Communications for the Editor, are Yo- ceived'at the Publishers'. This ist~lee cely weekly periodaical that cantatas a Retrospective Review. TAYMAN'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Leclure of the prefcnt Coiirfe will be gwen at the ASSEMBLLY.ROOMI To-morrow evening. at feven o'clock. It will embrace a review of All the Writers on Chemiftry from the earliel i period to the prefent thne; and comprehend the different 'Theories of its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as, it is hoped, will enfore a preference. N. B. All the newaod popular Publications, received as early as poffible. 2 * Reviews, Magazines, and other Periodical Puhlicationsi delivered free ,,f expence, on the third day of the ?? for Books, &c. puoflually ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and as no p'ublicatiamn will be intentionally *s'ittefthtll ar tiC cs ?? neceffarilybe mosre numerous than its any Monthly Review, and the fpace to be ilotted tc each fpcarate work can be more julfly atortimienl to its merits. Ia priority of notice alfo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tr'nfilatins is very confderable. For other Tefinmonies, .we refer the reader to the Reviews of fonme of the frlif editions:- . Monthly Review, May 1796; Criticalaand Englilb Reviews, June' 795; Analyktical, March 1795 ; A6 the Britifis Critic; .Gentlemtsn's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONDA 'Eve1ing, May 21 , X4: lhe will ?? them with an Evening's Enter- tainment, called The THESPIAN PANORAMA, OR, A COMIC, REVIEW Of the ENGLISH STAGE.. . Alfo,Digrvffive Strikhurcson Eccentrical ACTORS' OFP THE BOARDS, and an Expofore of ?? of the many ...

Advertisements & Notices

... all Booksellers. thi EXTRACTS FROM REVIEWS, T Te distinctioti draw n and established is at once original el, snd valuable; we have no cesitation in w a rmly recommend, a, ing it to general perusal.- Universal Review. an This is a clever medical tzeaiie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... privateocorrespontleceL, Cases, &c. By J. L CUtRTIs and Co , Cottsultittg Surgeonts, 7, FEITH-STREET, SOtto SQUARE, Luxoo-N. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. The nuiulleriess instances dail occrrring, whercirt alfctions of the lutngs, putting oll all tile outer appearalles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in's Treatifc no Or riiurology- Revivw of tire Legiflative Power under Charlernagne I -RetrofopeCt f Foreign Literature-A REVIEW OF MAPS AND CHARTFS'-Title and Alpha- be~tical lrrex' to the Authors' Nam-es and Titles of Books, 8c. &c. LONDON: Printed ...