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... obliged to relinquish the post which he has occupied with so much honour to himself and so much beuetit to the school.—Imperial review. Tue American Surgeon-General reports to the Minister at War that the precise number of white soliliers officially kuown to ...


... The Spectstor thinks Lord anle sabiltty was chietly shown in the ver y ae The Satur- k of explainieg how to let ill alone, Review says, not a single word was uttered at the In tol which might not have becn uttered if it had been a Liberal gath ing. Co ...

MISCELLANEOUS CURRENT EVENTS. Kine Lovis of Bavaria, who ie now at Nice, is sald to be seriously ill. ‘A NEWSPAPER

... killed, At Ins Royal de- 450 feet into oue of the gold inine and knocked vut with his own hands several nuggets. Tae Saturday Review is in favour, for may reasons, of the preseat Ministry remaining in ottice. There is so prospect of a better, and there is ...


... a book preparatory to a bow op it, ud with bim. do you mana asked his friend. ‘Tuever, said the wit, ‘read a bouk before reviewing it; it prejudices uve ao one Peter Patter THerk was once « littl gentleman Bon as Justice of the Peace The fist dey bis clerk ...


... sae of putentates, and wthes, lag been auld fur on tae tu thew Toe would iF 4 tu sta i, but Mer Diet wanted the for the reviewing of troupes, aud ghe budding is to be taken down, Tue closing of the notorious ning beuses at Wies baden, and Homburg ts. ...


... thanking bim for the blessed Het and Sword, and declaring that he will employ the sword in him from uj! his enemies. THe: aturday Review considers that by the elevation of Lord Cairns Mr Disrach has not only strengthened his own political position, but bas conferred ...

PRINCE NaPOLEON has been exchanging 2 vist of courtesy with the King of Prussia at Berli Tar death is annousced

... general election, and will prove a valuable acquisition to the Ministerial ranks ef the House of Commons, if elected. -Impenal Review. AT Huddersfeld, on Thursday, 8 man named Joseph Towend was charged with endeavouring to bire a medical man to cause the death ...

MISCELLANEOUS ITEM CURRENT EVENTS Tue French Court goes into mourning for twenty-one days for the aged Louis ef ..

... ef Bavaria. THE London grocers held a meeting on Thursday to form a league against the co-operative store movement. AGRAND review of the Metropolitan and Southern Volunteers is to be held at at Iuxatics has established a Lenedictine mo- nastery within ...


... Moscow to Smolensk shall begin at once, in order to alleviate the distress prevailing in the province of Smoleask, Tue Imperial Review has reason to believe that oa the occasivn of the Prince of Wales’ visit to Ireland, an amnesty will be granted to some of ...


... wots average vate of teaching in uss list oa the occasion of rye Matter. Esq.. of the minority compulsorily supported by an review of the pr urs wid usefaloess of vie the transactions of daily hols, real vt \ ny aud interest, coming, fro the pen Nov sate ...


... adroinistration of justice, sentenced ber to 15 year’s penal gervitade. “TRADES FAR LEGITIMATE in an article in the North British Review, under the above heading, the writer as follows—* Work- men are wedded to the system of unions from no irra- tional motives ...


... probable that be might be in need of assistance. the sanction of Sir Roderick Murchison, The new attempt has Tue Saturday Review asks how it is possible that the Ministry, in the face of such Imdicrous vacilla- tion as they have displayed, uf such barefaced ...