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A SEAST>y.\BLF. and USEFUL PERFORMANCE. [See Monthly Review, Nov. I?ov] Tbit Day it pnhliihef price Or. in (ex ..

... A SEAST>y.\BLF. and USEFUL PERFORMANCE. [See Monthly Review, Nov. I?ov] Tbit Day it pnhliihef price Or. in (ex.dt, Gresrly enlarged snd improve.!, the Seeonrl Edition of THE SPIHIT of OENERAL HISTORY; in a Scries of Lecture, fn.m the Eighths to the E ...

London, July 26

... London, July 26. Yefterday Morning his Majefty reviewed Col. Elliot's diftinguifhed Regiment of Light Horfe, Hyde-Park ; his Majefty was mounted on a fine dark Bay Horfe, entered the Field a little before Nine o'Ciock, attended by his three Royal Brothers ...

Sunday's and Monday's Posts

... Sunday's and Monday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Berlin, April 9. . the 7th Inft. his Pruflian Majefty wJ reviewed the Corps Artilleiy, O which amounts to fix Battalions, that 1 * are to uarte,e d this Capital, where Barracks are building for them ...

London, May 10

... Throne, Party is become very formidable. They write from Cleves, tl)at his Pruffian expected there in the Courfe of this Month, review his Troops quartered in that Duchy. The Magnates of Francfort have iflued an Ordinance, which forbids all Gaming with Cards ...

London, June 12

... Government from Ariftocratic t'. Dt-mociatic. Ihe Regiment of Hod'e-Guards Blue, commanded by the Marquis of G.auby, wtyich was reviewed Yeflerday in HydePaik, went through their Exerci eS to gieat Hen Majeltv St «te tlcach, drawn by Cream-coloured Hoiles. ir ...


... frigates, and tee troop (hips were 00 a fcerct expedition. Pott tssiout 11. June On the King’s Birth-day, upwards of men were reviewed Gen. Whltelocke, and the line* extended near two miles. 'l'hc people was far the great eft ever together in that part of ...

. m ?? ß t.».Tc f,, ■■..*. ? .crate '-cke*i in at th- P. :ntin-*-0 bee i.a St-.-1-Stie.t, at }«

... to the f.rft Twenty Volumes of thes MONTHLY .REVIEW i being a come*.* Ca. taiogue ot all new Publications f^r ten Years paft ; with tht*r Fii ci, and r.efciei.cet* lo tbeix C liaratfeis ie tbt laid Review. TAUNTOK, September 7, 1761. 1 Zo bt Lett, For ...

To Chloe, wearing Patches. •-T-HE wrinkled Flavia Patchei wean, -*■ To hide her furrow'd Trace of Years 1 With ..

... Prullia reviewed, in the Plain of Teraplehoff, about an Englilh Mile diflant from hence, a Body of Twenty-five Thoufand Men. Each Day they performed different Mili- tary Evolution! and Manoeuvre! - and hii Pruf- fun Majelly, after the Review wat over ...

This Day is publijbed, price Tivo Shillings, SCRIPTURAL REVISION of SOCINIAN ARGUMENTS VINDICATED, Agauift the ..

... Vol. VJL ofthe New _ A. Arrangement of the CRITICAL REVIEW. With a Review of the rnoft remarkable Foreign Pubil cations; a Retrofpect of Foreign Literature for the Inft _ four months; and a full Review of the Literature of Ire- land during the fame period; ...


... Letters from Smyrna, ofthe of June, fieri that Kltber refufes to give Egypt. Cipt. Bruhl, who was publicly reprimanded late review, for intoxication, ckc. whilfl: tire King’s guard Cumbcrland-Lodce, on the ult. has been tried conn-martial. The lenience ...

BATH, Jan. 14th, 1790. MRS. WIGNALL's SCHOOL, removed from Weymouth-Houfe to LANSDOWN-PLACE, will open the 17th ..

... prefixed to the Review for Jan. and to the Appendix to volume Ixxiei. Many volumes oftheßeviewhcingfofcarceasto render the com. plction of fets almoft impofiihle, the number for January will eoiifti- tutc Number 1. of Vol. I. of the Monthly Review enlarged) ...

London Daover 13

... Century part the Retrofpe&ion will (hew the amazing Influence France the Choice of Polifh Kings; and if we take the flighted Review of the public Tranfa&ions of a few Months in Poland, fince the Death of Auguftus, we (hall find that her Intereft there has ...