... REVIEWS. Tiir PffßLicATioss.—Notwithstanding the unfavourable aspect of the times, the literary season of 1817 has been already characterized the production of many works of great merit; and publishers, indeed, seem to be increasing in activity. Mr. Colburn ...


... REVIEWS. Hall aid Thb Hamlet. By the Author of the Book of the Seasons, 4c.—Mr. Howitt's now work, « The Hall and The Hamlet, conveys the same faithful portraiture of English country life, with a greater display or original character, that rendered ...


... REVIEWS. THE BENDING OF THE BOUGH.* t1R. GEORGE MOORE'S ViaticumI across St. George's Channel has many bf the elements of pathos. The author of Evelyn Innes' is not only leaving us, but he is taking with him his plays; not only bag and baggage go ...


... REVIEWS. LAST CHRONICLES OF PONTIAC.* FROM the dedication to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which also serves as an introduction, we learn that the series of more or less connected stories, which fills two-thirds of this volume, has been the most cherished of all ...


... REVIEWS. The Natural History oj the Ballet-girl. By Albert smith. London : D. Bogue, Fieet-street. The subject of this little work does not give the same S5. e n '® adTe r«ion and humour as its predecessor irtnt; but to those unacquainted with theatrical ...


... REVIEWS. THE LIFE OF LIVES..* O IF the term studies be held to connote material for the use of students, it is not a happy description for the contents of this volume. It is wvell known that Dr. Farrar is an industrious reader and has a good memory ...


... REVIEWS. A NEW HISTORY OF GREECE.* GREEKhistories abound. To give aby nomeans exhiaustive list, We have, for the whole story, Grote, Thirlwall, Curtius, Abbott, the invaluable work of Adolf Hlolm, and-1ongo intervailo-Oman and Cox ; while for particular ...


... travel they hold the first places, and to these names we would nowlunhesitatingly add that .of the writer of the book under review. This volume deals with an infinite variety of subjects, such as the Great Wall, the Christian. Missions, the Decadence of ...


... REVIEWS. LIFE IN THE ABYSS.* Cn THAT there was any life at all in the deeper parts of the ocean was I tri still a matter for speculation scarcely more than thirty years ago. or But since that time-thanks, perhaps, more than anything else to the It accident ...


... REVIEWS. AUTOGRAP I S. i 1N this book of some four hundred pages Dr. Scott has brought t together a considerable number of interesting facts oil tile art or scieilce c( or dodge of autog-raphi collecting-most luiman and, if intelligently conducted, most ...