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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of many individukals of high talent, and connexions of the foremost class both at homne and abroad, this Journal in its. Reviews, Criticisms on the Arts, Scientific Intelligence, and various 'inform- ation, may fairly challenge the character of forming ...


... American Young are t ilten from review, the American j Quarterly Rtview the >:A Sciences for Ja-.nary, of a work primary education The Baiting a Brain,'' by Or. Clarke, Boston, the author -ex in • Education. The reviewer begins by stating that Er.g--; ...

BIRTHS. July 31, at

... has presented an unusual gay and busy scene, in consequence of the yeomanry asseon- bling there for eight days' duty. The review will takde place this day, in Blenlieihl Park, and we hear that a dinner and ball will form a finish to the weelt's pro- ceedings ...

B3IRTHS. w;asi~ Sept

... Octobe tacettersgnation and appoint Ea successor. behia FATHE.' BENSON AND TirE Romisu CH1URCH1.- 0wn A writer in the NKew Review hraving stated that the late was i Superior of the Cowley Fathers, Father Benson, had WVei joined the Roman Catholic Communion ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and Wright, Captain Wright, Lieutenants Dunlop, Harvey, Smythe, Christie, and Goedenough. The whole of the corps appeared in review order, and the officers wore crape round the left arm above the elbow and at the hilt of their swords. At ten minutes to twelve ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... University lasted exactly a quarter of an hour, eight of the players not getting a single run. REVIEW AND PIELD DAY ON POET Msx.ow.-On Monday, next a review and field day will be held on Port Meadow of the men forming the 42nd Brigade Dep6t at Bullingdon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a desponding state since the death of his wife on the 29th of August last, from fever engen- dared by a cold caught at the review at Wimbledon. The late Baronet was the son1 of Admiral SirEdward Troubridge, and was born in 1816. He greatly distinguished ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... occafion for it, he was induced to fell the filver lace off his jacket; Ihortly after which the troop was ordered out to be reviewed, and the commanding officer, on obferving the deceafed without his uniform, threatened him with punihnment; which had fo ...