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Caledonian Mercury

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Caledonian Mercury

I Ycfierd.iy afternoon a yoraij; gentleman was drowned in the f.-a near Royfton. it repeats that he and a companion

... Robertson, Efij. Deputy Foitmafter Ge- neial for Scotland. The RentTewfhire yeomanry, commanded by Colonel Fleemikg, were reviewed at Paii'y on the 25th ult. by Major-General Dkum- miisd, who pleafed to cxprefshis higheft ap- probation of the fo ...

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... Kingdom. ii Puli/catione w/ivc; ,'ill arrive by tbl Mail'coacb every ar II ,20,,tm. m or Anti-Jacobin Review, Britilh Critic, Critical Review, Monthly Review, Literary Journal, European Maga. an d- zine, Gentleman's Magazine, Monthly Magsxine, Phi- ap h- op ...

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... the author has had the benefit of the Edinburgh Review of Mr Spence's Pamphlet, entitled Britain Independent of ?ommerce ; and as he conceives that nothing which falils from the Edinburgh Reviewers, on any fubject cosinested with Political GEconomy ...

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... worm may Se bad, t. The EDINBURGH. REVIEW, Odloher 1802, to July 1804, 8, Numbers, price 5s. each, or themhvole, handfomely done up in 4 vols. boards, L. 2: 2. - 2. OBSERVATIONS by the Earl of Lauderdale, on the Review of his Inquiry into the Nature and ...

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... of Flots in front, on having it beautiful Sounh-lWesteris Asnpee,. andeom- ae l znandiug a fall view of the nosw celebrated review sul ground, St Antlmny's Chapel, Artilur Seat, Holyrood thi rpalace, the Calton Bill, and many of the most pro- minent beauties ...

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... Gregor, at the Box Office, from ten to three p'clock. This Day is Published, $ £ Price Five Shillings sewed, HTsHE EDINBURGH REVIEW, or CRITICAL > JOURNAL, No. 26, Which completes the Thir- teenthi, Volume, and ?? of Robert Btrns, consisting chiefly of Original ...

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... in XII. On the Prepatatiota of pure Salts of Manganese, and on' the Composition of its Oxides, by Dr Forcbhamnmer-XlIl. e, Review of the Ediutburgh Pharmacopoercm-XIV. Proceedings 11 of Philosophical Societies-XV. Scientific Intelfigence, Mag- is net;cal ...

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... tians respecting War. Printed for GJEO. B. iV,-r'Axaa, London * and Os.IVEI and OYD, Edinburgh. . j f RETtROSPECTIVE REVIEW. - IS ReVieW supplies the place of' a library of, ('ld English Literature; it contains.Extracts from the most interesting and important ...

ggtm.e oRIiat. 217 '

... Successful Application of Cast lron Work, for the Hanging aud. Fdstening of Gates; by Thom as N. Parker, Esq-Rec viewers Reviewed; Vindication of Findlacer's Survey of Peebles-shire-Leading Article of Agricultural In- ?? ?? ?? itco-e.Livcrpool M ?? to ...

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... popular 96 style. A BrNT11rn, CSANA might be made of passages St, worthy ot Addison or Goldsmith.-Loudou and Westmtinster Review. Ri I This volumre is a useful publication. It will be 67 welcome to many wbo cannot afford to buy the col- Be leeted work ...